DDA has made the village ‘a better place to live’

There is an old adage that says “No good deed goes unpunished.” I believe we are seeing this sentiment played out in the last few months here in the Village of Lake Orion by some who have expressed negative reactions to the purpose, the accomplishments and the activities of the DDA. Over the years since […]

Save the DDA!

I am 68 years old, born and raised in the Village of Lake Orion. Growing up this town was booming; everyone came into town to shop! Starting in the mid-seventies thru the mid-nineties the town slowly died. In the mid-eighties the village council chose to adopt a program offered by the State of Michigan known […]

Support the DDA, not in favor of standalone elections

I am writing in response to last week’s letter to the editor written by Cory Johnston. First, Mr. Johnston accurately points out that “the only issue on the Nov. 7 ballot…” is the DDA TIF vote. Yes, it is the only issue on the ballot, and I’m dismayed that we are holding a standalone election […]

Residents signed petition twice to get it on the ballot

The Nov. 7 vote regarding the DDA is not to eliminate the DDA, but to change the funding structure of the DDA. The DDA currently receives $500,000 a year in Village of Lake Orion tax dollars. The vote is to return the tax dollars the DDA currently receives from the village residents back to being […]

Thank you Paint Creek Elementary students for supporting the AU Special Needs Foundation

The Awesome and Unique Special Needs Foundation is beyond words with the overwhelming love and support Paint Creek Elementary showed on Friday, October 20, 2023, when they held a Michigan/Michigan State dress war to help raise money for our foundation. Their participation and donations were unbelievable, with Michigan State finishing first! In the end, the […]

Why we should keep DDA funding!

There have been numerous editorials about the village council and the DDA all of which I find quite disturbing. They state they are not trying to get rid of the DDA, just the funding. Well without funding there will be no DDA and basically bye-bye to our lovely village. There will be no one to […]

Vote Yes on DDA ballot proposal

The only issue on the Nov. 7 ballot for the Village of Lake Orion is whether our tax dollars go to where we voted for them to go or go to the DDA to do with as they wish. Voting Yes, returns control of our taxes to the people and our elected officials versus the […]

Save the DDA!

I am writing to remind people of the exemplary efforts of the Lake Orion Downtown Development Authority (DDA) in helping our small town continue to grow and thrive. There have been false narratives being pushed in regards to how defunding the Lake Orion DDA will decrease taxes for Lake Orion citizens. But it is just […]

Save the DDA

What brings people to the Village of Lake Orion? Great restaurants and locally-owned shops and businesses. The DDA has helped them find their place, removes obstacles and promotes community activities and social events. That is only one side of the “Community” coin. The other is you…at Children’s Park. Summer music concerts and movie night. Classic […]

Vote Yes on Nov. 7 ballot

The petition to put the question, “Shall the Village of Lake Orion adopt Ordinance No. 36.06, which repeals Ordinance No. 36.05, and cease the capture of taxes from the Village of Lake Orion and other affected taxing authorities?” was signed by 373 certified registered voters. I believe that it’s safe to say that these 373 […]