Orion Area Chamber of Commerce welcomes True Flourishing

Orion Area Chamber of Commerce welcomes True Flourishing

The Orion Area Chamber of Commerce welcomed True Flourishing to the community with a ribbon cutting on Jan. 23. Joelyn Beaver, founder and director of True Flourishing, cut the ribbon. True Flourishing provides hope for its clients’ futures by empowering people with the knowledge and actions to take now in order to prevent cognitive decline […]

McLaren Health Care appoints chief medical director of emergency services

GRAND BLANC — McLaren Health Care, the statewide health care provider with 15 hospital-based and freestanding emergency departments, has established the position of Chief Medical Director of Emergency Services with Crystal L. Arthur, MD, FACEP, joining the system to assume the newly created role. Through her leadership, Dr. Arthur will collaborate with emergency providers and […]

Orion Chamber holds ribbon cutting for MI Prime Health

Orion Chamber holds ribbon cutting for MI Prime Health

The Orion Area Chamber of Commerce held a ribbon cutting for MI Prime Health on Jan. 16 to celebrate the new business to the Orion community. MI Prime Health, Owner Sara Zac, who cut the ribbon during the ceremony, and her team are excited to offer the latest advancements in weight management and groundbreaking treatments […]

ChoiceOne and Fentura shareholders approve merger

LAPEER, FENTON, SPARTA — ChoiceOne Financial Services, Inc., the parent company of ChoiceOne Bank, and Fentura Financial, Inc., the parent company of The State Bank, jointly announced that at separate special meetings held Dec. 12, each company’s shareholders approved the proposed merger in which Fentura will merge with and into ChoiceOne, with ChoiceOne continuing as […]

Orion, Oxford businesses to participate in ‘Pink Friday’ Small Business Shopping Experience

LouLou’s Boutique in Orion Township and Twinkle Toes & Clothes in Oxford are participating in the nationwide “Pink Friday” Small Business Shopping experience on Nov. 22. “We are excited to announce that LouLou’s Boutique and Twinkle Toes & Clothes will be participating in the 3rd annual nationwide, Pink Friday Small Business Shopping Experience, on Nov. […]

Breath Ambassadors

Breath Ambassadors

The Orion Area Chamber of Commerce held a ribbon cutting ceremony for Breath Ambassadors on Thursday, welcoming the new business to the Orion Community. Cutting the Ribbon are owner Amy Davenport with her husband Eric Davenport. Breath Ambassadors uses 9D Breathwork – a groundbreaking approach in holistic healing. Breath Ambassadors is at 2659 S. Lapeer […]

Dragon Foundation

Dragon Foundation

The Orion Area Chamber of Commerce held a ribbon cutting for The Dragon Foundation on Oct. 12 to celebrate the launch of the foundation’s JPR Sports Fund. The Dragon Foundation is committed to cultivating the individual talents and passions of each child while fostering a sense of community and belonging. Through four pillars – athletics, […]

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