If you step back and objectively look at it, this really has been a fascinating year. I think the word “unprecedented” is the one folks are bandying about. From the COVID crud, cramped economy, closed schools and cruddy politicians, even the weather has been crazy. We had snow the other week, last week eight inches […]
Growing up most of us had fun playing the board game, Monopoly. As the game advances you often find yourself hoping and praying you do not have to land on a space where the land owner has houses or hotels. The more houses or hotels the owner has the larger your rental payments will be. […]
Lake Orion Community Schols Superintendent Marion Ginopolis will regularly share thoughts and updates about district-related topics in the Review. The month of May is designated as Teacher Appreciation month, with this first week considered Teacher Appreciation week. Despite not being in their regular classrooms, they are still playing a crucial role in the lives of LOCS students […]
Wow. It’s been a while since I’ve been able to sit down and write a Don’t Rush Me column. I penned the last on Monday, March 31 — a couple of days after I was officially laid off from work. Forty-one days. This was basically the first time in my life in which I wasn’t […]
It’s the first week of May and after weeks of staying at home, most of us are ready to visit with others and share in community gatherings again. After all, it’s spring. Time to go out and enjoy that beautiful sunshine and warmer weather! A recent trip out brought me through downtown Lake Orion. Sitting […]
A few years ago, I had a family tree researcher look for information on my family. Her report included information found through past census records. How awesome it was to find out about previous family members, where they lived, how many people lived in their home and who they were. From this story we can […]
In the bible’s book of Matthew, it says: they went to the tomb where Jesus’ body had been placed. They sealed the boulder that covered the entrance and left a soldier there to guard it. In a short time, an earthquake came and soon an angel appeared. The angel rolled the boulder away and told […]
Stupid Coronavirus. It’s kinda’ put a damper on having fun. Since the beginning of 2020, I had planned on this column, to be published on April 1. I had a plan to quote the township supervisor on some sort of prank story. Running through my head were stories on Michigan locating a prison in town, […]
I know this country is divided. And, I know there is a small group who like to yell and scream and make others miserable. Heck, it’s an election year. So, to combat coronavirus madness and general negativity, I will try to spread some magical fairy dust this week. Think about it, March is a time […]
Captain’s Log, Stardate 19-02-2020: I’ve never trusted Klingons, and I never will. Other than that, I awoke (as opposed to being “woke”) from my slumber a few minutes of five to a clear, dark sky with twinkling stars and a quarter moon shining. First thing I heard on the National Public Radio news was about […]