School days, school days, I followed the rules those days.

School days, school days, I followed the rules those days.

This week sure as heck feels like a “back to school” week. Which makes sense, of course, because most kids are back to school after their summer breaks. When I write “feels like” back to school time, I mean my internal clock/calendar registers in my brain, “summer is over, back to the books.” There is […]

Those were the good old, glory days

Those were the good old, glory days

08-30-23 don’t rush me Those were the good old, glory days In every young man’s heart, when he is past being a mere child, but not yet an adult, there is a desire to be something special. Whether that desire revolves around athletics, academics or artistic endeavors, down deep there is a want to excel. When […]

‘Dr. Feelgood’ pens sport parent’s book

‘Dr. Feelgood’ pens sport parent’s book

“I was bored,” Independence Township resident and orthopedic surgeon Shivajee Nallamothu said. “I got bored during COVID, so I decided to write a book. Actually, I decided to write two books.” Well, la-tee-da, way to be an overachiever, Doc! I’ve known Shivajee, or Dr. Feelgood, as I like to call him, for about 20 years […]

Hard lessons from soft ice cream

Holy turn down the heat, Batman! We have already entered the Dog Days of Summer and I’m already over it. Soon high school kids will start practice for fall sports – like two-days (though it felt like three-a-days) football practice. Gosh darn it, fall is right around the corner, but first we need to get […]

Whilst out and about in Ireland

Whilst out and about in Ireland

Your hero, that would be me, returned recently from a week’s vacation in Ireland. From the get go, let me say a few things. I wrote most of this column at a desk, in pencil on paper, in Galway. First, and it should not have surprised me, the natives are nice. We asked lots of […]

A lot has changed in 247 years

A lot has changed in 247 years

This past weekend with fireworks and much merriment, we as Americans, celebrated the declaration of our country’s independence. Not, as some are confused, our being independent from the old world’s superpower, England and its monarchy. On July 4, 1776 we merely “announced” to the world that we thought of ourselves as free and were prepared […]

‘I forgot to remember my memory’

‘I forgot to remember my memory’

We’ve gone through a number of memorial celebrations of late. Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Memorial day and in a few days we shall celebrate our declaration of independence from the monarchy over in Britain. I think we adults all try to teach history on these days, history of our families and of our country. If […]

Don’t look now, but Sydney wants to be free

Don’t look now, but Sydney wants to be free

Back in the day, say back when science fiction was just fiction, life was easier. People had record players, families had one phone connected to a cord in the wall, one television set with three or four channels and only governments and super corporations had computers. In a word, life was simple (okay that was […]

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