This week, we asked our followers “Do you support recreational and/or medical marijuana dispensaries in the Village of Lake Orion?“ We had 44 people respond to the poll, with 25 people responding “Yes, both”; 5 people favored medical dispensaries only; and 14 selecting “No, neither.”
The song “Humble and Kind,” performed by Tim McGraw, and written by a woman named Lori McKenna in 2016, has always been one of my favorites. The lyrics suggest a gentle way of being in the world. I ran off a copy of the lyrics and gave a copy to each of the three young […]
Why is it important to be counted in the 2020 census? What’s this $18,000 figure that we’ve been hearing about? What kind of personal information do I have to give on the census questionnaire? Should renters be counted? These and other good questions come up daily. Here are some facts: • The Village of Lake […]
The ongoing construction on M-24 continues as the outer lanes from Golden Gate St. up to Drahner Rd. re-open with fresh pavement in order to shift traffic from the inside lanes. The left lanes in each direction and several center left-turn lanes are now be closed to allow for construction work in center lane and […]
In a further effort to reach residents of Lake Orion and Orion Township, The Lake Orion Review has started creating weekly Twitter polls for our Question of the Week. These polls will range from questions regarding the township, village and schools to other topics such as events or local businesses. Polls will be created on […]
Dear Editor, I have been a resident of Lake Orion for more than 25 years and am quite concerned about the direction our township supervisor, Chris Barnet, is moving us into a debt that is really unnecessary and will hurt residents for years to come after he leaves office. Before Chris was elected for second […]
On Friday, my husband rode his motorcycle to an outdoor spin class. Upon arriving, he realized that his wallet was not with him. After texting me, to see if he had left it at home, which he hadn’t, he realized it must have fallen out onto the roadway somewhere. Before he returned home, I received […]
On Aug. 17, during public comment (of the Orion Township Board of Trustees meeting), I requested to the Orion Township board seriously consider revisiting their choice of building the new Township Hall. As a 24-year resident, in my recollection, I have never witnessed such eagerness to spend tax dollars, and a lot of it. For […]
Each of us are busy doing what we do best. When we take the time to stop and be present in the moment, breathe and look at our lives we might find that time is passing so quickly. This summer has been beautiful, but the leaves are beginning to fall from the trees showing us […]
That’s how I look at the president and his conservative base. This is not the time to be messing with the votes for your own selfish gains. The voters will make you pay. You work for us. We don’t work for you. Or have you forgotten that? “We the People” came first, not yourself and […]