When one door closes…

Each of us are busy doing what we do best. When we take the time to stop and be present in the moment, breathe and look at our lives we might find that time is passing so quickly.

This summer has been beautiful, but the leaves are beginning to fall from the trees showing us that another season is fast approaching.

It would also be true for a Unity member for whom I recently officiated a Celebration of Life service. Is there ever enough time to do all we want to do in life? Are we given all the time we need to share with our loved ones or to fulfill our life purpose?

As I shared a message of comfort with the family it seemed most important to remind them who their mother was. What she enjoyed and, of course to remember the good times and the fun times they shared the most.

Lastly, I read a message of life she left for her loved ones. It was a poem titled; “Gone from My Sight” and credited to Rev. Luther F. Beecher (1904) and also some credit Henry Van Dyke. It is often given to hospice families to help them prepare themselves for the loss of a loved one.

The poem tells of a ship that people watch until it disappears from sight. In life we may watch a loved one as their spirit disappears from our physical world and re-enters the spiritual world. The poem comfortably reminds us that they are still here with us and only gone from our sight. Their size is no longer in our view, but for us to know they still exist as a part of us.

And, when we see that they are no longer with us in spirit, we can find comfort in knowing familiar voices are already on the other side waiting. They are gathering and shouting happily as they see their loved one again.

The poem beautifully reminds us of this week’s title; When one door closes, another door opens, by Alexander Graham Bell.

We can take this thought into our busy lives right now.

It has been a long six months of living with a once in a lifetime pandemic! Our world has changed in many ways. Absolutely, we want to be back to normal as soon as possible.

But, that normal door has already closed and is almost out of sight.

Right now we are on the walk to the open door and we choose what pieces of our old world to leave behind as we enter. What will you take with you?

Today there are plenty of mixed messages and different ideas keeping us from walking through the open door. Don’t be discouraged — we will enter when the time is right for each of us. A new door means new things; the old falls away and the new exists through that open door. We will enter when life calms down, when there is less stress, when we have let go of judgment and are in unity with each other.

Ponder the experience that lies ahead of you. As you spiritually look at the open door, see it as a release from limiting thoughts.

Knowing God is unlimited, you know there is no place that God is not. There are no restrictions on God’s ability to support you in knowing a better way if you are open to seeing yourself experience it. God does not make your life. You make your life when you are living and being the expression of God. The work to have a better world/life is yours to do. YOU are the living essence of God! As you express God, God has life in this world.

If you live that understanding, it will make your life so much more fulfilled.

As you express God daily, your life changes and so does the world around you. Why live in the burdens of today or the old burdens of yesterday when you can free yourself and live in today.

As the door closed for my member’s family, they had a choice — remember their mother in sadness or remember that her joyous spirit still lives within them.

Take a few moments to look at a door that has closed in your life. Have you released it, let it go or freed yourself from what it was? Regardless of who, what, when or how the door closed it is necessary to take the step to free yourself.

Freedom awaits at the open door unless you choose to bring the burdens with you.

Ask yourself what lesson I might have to learn from this experience and take that lesson with you. Whatever burden may be in your life right now, know that it will soon be over.

Walk through the open door like a spiritual pro! Start by being grateful for the divine action of God that has opened a new door with new possibilities and better adventures for you to live.

Most importantly, trust that divine action has your back and all will be well. Walk through the open door and begin anew!

Supporting you with many blessings,

Linda La Croix

Unity Director & Prayer Chaplain at Unity of Lake Orion

Find positive and uplifting posts on her Facebook page, A Spiritual Walk.


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