By Megan Kelley Staff Writer LAKE ORION — During its meeting on Feb. 8, the Lake Orion Community Schools Board of Education received the district’s annual presentation on mid-year student achievement data. Joining the board to give the presentation was district data specialist Kirk Webber. The data presented was collected from nationally normed benchmark assessments […]
By Megan Kelley Review Writer LAKE ORION — The Lake Orion Community Schools Board of Education met last week and approved a resolution to their schools of choice enrollment percentages. The board unanimously approved new language to the current SOC resolution. The new resolution was to authorize limited schools of choice enrollment with a target […]
February 14, 2023 Dear LOCS Families- The horrific events that occurred on Monday night on the Michigan State campus concern us all, as parents, as children and as citizens. Our thoughts and prayers are with all those affected by Monday’s incident and the impact it has on those near and far. The senseless act of […]
By Megan Kelley Review Writer ORION TWP. — Lake Orion High School held its winter athlete signing last week where 16 student-athletes signed their national letters of intent to play their respective sports at various colleges across the country. The ceremony was in the LOHS auditorium where the students were joined by family and friends […]
Art Center announces scholarship opportunity for high school artists By Megan Kelley Review Writer ORION TWP. — The Orion Art Center (OAC) is opening the doors on their first exhibit of 2023 this month, showcasing artwork from all three local middle schools. Art teachers Jerry Brazeau from Scripps Middle School, Amanda Miller from Waldon Middle […]
By Megan Kelley Review Writer LAKE ORION — The Lake Orion High School DECA club students competed in their district on Jan. 7 at LOHS against more than 875 competitors from northern Oakland and Macomb counties with several Lake Orion students placing high enough to move on to the state competition. DECA is a high […]
Birgit McQuiston takes over as board president By Megan Kelley Review Writer LAKE ORION — The Lake Orion Community Schools Board of Education returned from holiday break for their first meeting of 2023 on Jan. 11. The first portion of the meeting was dedicated to the swearing in of board members Steve Drakos, Jake Singer […]
By Megan Kelley Review Writer ORION TWP. — For most school districts across the county, Friday was just a normal day. But for students at Lake Orion High School, it was one of the most exciting days of the year, the annual Cell Out event. This is Lake Orion’s eighth year participating in the event, […]
By Jim Newell Review Editor LAKE ORION — There was a Nuss on the Loose at Blanche Sims Elementary and only the kids’ holiday cheer could save their beloved principal from perpetual petrification. Whether swinging from a tree branch (on a swing, of course, not by his arms!) or taped to a wall in the […]
Parents: Alena Sletten and Jeremy Sletten Grade: 12 GPA: 4.48 Favorite subject(s): Economics, Math. Extracurricular activities: Forensics, DECA, Chess club, Swim and Dive, Water Polo, Economics team, Social inquiry. Hobbies/Interests: Local TV program host, Intern at Oakland University. Plans after graduation: Study Economics at a university. Ivan is proudest of: Winning 4th in the state […]