Repairs need attention

“A stitch in time saves nine” was Benjamin Franklin’s way of saying it costs less time, money and effort to take care of problem areas when they are small rather than waiting for them to become major ones. It’s the same way with public facilities such as school buildings and property. It’s more cost effective […]

Donni earned their support

Donni Steele has earned our endorsement for Orion Township Treasurer. She is our neighbor and has been industrious, upbeat, generous and supportive. Donni has shown an ability to extend herself to help others. She is a strong supporter of the community and has served Lake Orion citizens as Trustee for the last four years. Donni […]

Penny has great character

Re-Elect Penny Shults. My dear friend, Penny exudes only integrity and great character and she is one of the hardest working, most devoted, caring women I know. After 27 unwavering years of service with Orion Township, Penny has been the catalyst of progress as our Township Clerk for the past 8 years. Let’s continue the […]

Vote to represent the citizens

Orion Township is having a difficult time sorting out the good and the bad as to who will properly represent the citizens of the Township. As in all elections we need those who will provide the following: a honest representative, a transparent person, someone that does not need a position as a job, someone who […]

Senior Citizens voting yes

As senior citizens with no children in the schools, we have been homeowners in Lake Orion for over 40 years. We encourage you to vote YES for the necessary and immediate repairs and improvements needed for our schools. We recognize that the children of this community and the grandchildren of this community deserve to have […]

She’s in on sinking fund

I am writing to provide my support for the Lake Orion school district’s sinking fund proposal. I have lived in this community since 1982. Both my husband and I graduated from Lake Orion. My son is a 2016 graduate and my daughter will be in eighth grade at Waldon. This community and primarily, our schools […]

Jen gets their vote for clerk

Jen Zielinski is asking for your vote to become the next Orion Township clerk in the upcoming August 2nd primary and it is with honor and respect that we submit our letter of support. We have known Jen for over 20 years and throughout this time, we have found her to be an earnest, diligent […]

Penny supports our community

Penny is an amazing leader in our community. She is everywhere… supporting our kids, ours schools and our community. Her positive outlook on life and wanting to change the world and make it a better place is contagious. I know she has already made a positive impact in our community and will continue to do […]

Clearing up confusion on renewals

There is some confusion about the two millage requests on the August 2, 2016 ballot regarding the Orion Township Fire Department Fire Fund and the Police Fund Millage. Neither one of these ballots are asking for any increase in operations. Both departments are working very efficiently on the taxes that are currently in place but […]

Believes in Mark Thurber

I am writing to support retaining Mark Thurber as Treasurer of Orion Township. I have known Mark and his family for many years and believe he has done a great job for us as treasurer since taking office. This is a matter of integrity and Mark deserves our support for reelection. As a human resources […]

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