Orion firefighters help a brother in need

Last weekend, a hearty group of Orion firefighters showed up to build their “brother” a wheelchair ramp. My husband, Charlie Harkins, a retired Orion firefighter and EMT of 35 years, recently suffered a stroke. We don’t know yet how long his recovery will take, but in the meantime, he now has a safe way to […]

Today I’m A Rambling Man (part 2)

In the June 19 Lake Orion Review I opined (good word) about some events and issues that were on my mind. So, this week I want to continue those thoughts. Visited our Lake Orion library this past week. It is wonderful jewel in our town and if you haven’t been there lately you are missing […]

Freedom & Independence

As June ended, I said goodbye to a longtime spiritual friend. It took several years for me to accept her invite to her church because I was busy, I felt I knew who God was and I was sure God knew me too. I studied independently and felt free to do so. Then one day […]

Acknowledgment and Thank you

Dear Editor, Two ordinary events lead to the recall of many great youthful memories. Recently my father, James Lewis, known to his family as Jimmy, found two vintage bowling shirts packed away and received an announcement for the Lake Orion all-class reunion scheduled for June 19, 2019. Jim Lewis is a 1949 graduate of Lake […]

Detroit Institute of Arts brings art, history and culture to life beyond museum walls

The Detroit Institute of Arts provides access to one-of-a-kind history and culture for Lake Orion residents and communities across metro Detroit through its Inside|Out program. As Executive Director of the Lake Orion Downtown Development Authority, I am honored the DIA chose our town to feature high-quality reproductions of the museum’s art right here in the […]

Today I’m A Rambling Man!

Well, the rain in Michigan has temporarily stopped as we await the next opening of the clouds. As I sit here in our Lake Orion home, I have some rambling thoughts to share with you. Feeling sorry for all the graduates who have scheduled an outdoor party. Even with tents the constant rain has put […]

Hey, G.O.P leaders – Do Your Jobs!

TThat would be my advice to the conservative and G.O.P. leaders. The voters are fed up with your garbage. The Democrats are doing their jobs. I plan on voting a straight Democrat ticket in 2020 and taking them all out of office with one vote. That’s better than impeachment. That’s the smart way of doing […]

Who’s Watching?

Parenting is not always easy and that is true for caregiving as well. We are always watching for safety and protection. There are times we have to explain why something cannot be done so many times that our patience wears thin from the repetition. Always remember, though, between you and that thinness is your breath. […]

New Graduates – Life is what you make it!

It is graduation time and it is a wonderful time to celebrate the students’ completion of their many years in school. Congratulations to all the parents or grandparents who have supported the grads through their school years, and for being their biggest fans. You’re the support which got them to where they are today. While […]

Student Achievements

LOHS Dragon Broadcasting and Yearbook win several awards during 2018-19 school year Lake Orion High School’s Dragon Broadcasting is no stranger to awards. This year the program has won more than their fair share of awards. Dragon Yearbook students attended the Spring Awards Conference in April where they were awarded more than 50 awards. The […]

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