Thank Goodness It’s Almost Over Many of you are familiar with the statement, “It ain’t over till the fat lady sings”. It is a colloquialism steeped in operatic history. It means that the opera has not been completed till a rather robust lady enters the stage and bellows out the last aria. Well, here in […]

Township gives thanks for community efforts in election

On behalf of Orion Township, I wish to express my sincere gratitude to the outstanding team of workers and agencies who assisted with the August 2, 2016 Primary Election. Heartfelt appreciation is extended to Orion Township Library, St. Joseph Catholic Church, King of Kings Lutheran Church, Lake Orion United Methodist Church, St. Mary’s in the […]

Resident responds to a letter previously published

This letter is in response to Bill Kalmar’s letter published on July 7, 2016. I guess, according to the wordsmith Bill Kalmar in his letter published on July 7, 2016 I am one of those “self-serving” and “usual suspects.” Because, I am one of the guilty in having written one of those letters for a […]

Local Scout submits letter for badge requirement

For the communications merit badge I have to write a letter to a local newspaper editor and express my opinion on an issue. I had read the article “There seems to be unnecessary silliness regarding bathrooms” and decided to go with that. In my opinion there is nothing wrong with a person wanting to use […]

NOTA has let him down

NOTA, North Oakland transportation authority, what is it good for? In 2000 I was able to utilize the services of NOTA On a one day notice and it was free at that time. It was free to me because I had become a paraplegic in the year 1999. I utilized their services for a year […]

Resident questions the need for roundabouts

Why do we need traffic circles on Baldwin Road? Because they’re fashionable?? Recently, I’ve conducted business with small business owners along Baldwin Road. The stories I’ve heard are very disappointing. One owner who has been in business for decades on Baldwin has only been offered a rather small amount and only for the building and […]

She’s voting yes for fund

I’m quite surprised at the lack of “yes” votes for the Sinking Fund. I understand that there’s not a lot of want to raise taxes, however, we have to take care of our schools. Lake Orion has already voted down a couple of proposals and millages that would have attended to the specific needs of […]

Donni asks for your vote

I’m Donni Steele and I’m asking for your vote for Treasurer Aug 2nd . I have been a current Orion Township Trustee since 2012 and have served on the following committees: Brown Road Corridor Improvement Authority (Secretary), Polly Ann Trail Management Council (Secretary), Paint Creek Trailways Commission (Treasurer), Orion Community Cable Communications Commission (Deputy Treasurer), […]

“And In This Corner…”

When Muhammad Ali was preparing for a fight, he always promoted the battle by giving it a title such as, “The Thrilla In Manila” or “The Rumble In The Jungle”.  It reflected what was about to take place in the ring.  Perhaps the Orion Township Board of Trustees need to utilize a similar tactic when […]

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