LOCS Curriculum Comm. introduces Dragon University and high school flex time at March 27 school board meeting

By Megan Kelley Review Writer Lake Orion Community School’s Curriculum Committee shared several new implementations that the district would be expecting to try out next school year. Two stand outs include Dragon University and High School Flex time. Dragon University would be offered to teachers throughout the district (and possibly outside of the district in […]

Lake Orion High School’s DECA team has multiple first place finishes at State Conference in Detroit March 8-10

Lake Orion High School’s DECA team has multiple first place finishes at State Conference in Detroit March 8-10

By Megan Kelley Review Writer Lake Orion High School’s DECA team headed to Detroit from March 8-10 to compete in the State Conference. DECA, formerly the Distributive Education Clubs of America, is a marketing co-curricular club that allows students to compete in various marketing related fields in the district, state and national levels. “It (DECA) […]

LOHS girls lacrosse has a 1-1-1 record after first three games

Lake Orion’s girls lacrosse team started their season two weeks ago, beginning with a rival match at home against Oxford High School on March 21. The Wildcats led the Dragons throughout the entire hard-fought match, with Lake Orion losing the battle, 12-11. Lake Orion’s Allison Romanski scored five goals for the Dragons, with Natalie Maki […]

Lake Orion celebrated reading month this March

Lake Orion celebrated reading month this March

By Megan Kelley Review Writer Students in Lake Orion put down their technology and picked up a book to participate in reading month this March. Students in the LOCS district were surprised by special guest readers thoughout the month, including Lake Orion superintendent Marion Ginopolis, State Senator Rosemary Bayer and State Representative John Reilly. Many […]

The Lions were on the prowl during annual races on Saturday

The Lions were on the prowl during annual races on Saturday

Night at the Races benefits LOHS scholarship program By Jim Newell Review Editor The Lake Orion Lions Club hosted the 5th annual Night at the Races on Saturday with the lions once again prowling the lanes to raise funds for the club’s scholarship program. “All proceeds from the races go to support the scholarships,” said […]

LOCS receives additional forgiven time waiver for 3 snow days

By Megan Kelley Review Writer Lake Orion residents are no strangers to snow days. This year however, school districts across the state have grown accustom to regularly having to canceling school due to the weather conditions. During this school year, Lake Orion Community Schools have racked up 11 total canceled days — with the exception […]

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