Lake Orion High School is proud to announce Chris Bell as the new varsity football coach, beginning with the 2022 season. Bell is a lifetime Dragon with an extensive history in the football program, leading LOHS to its only state football title in the 2010 Division I title game. “I’m beyond excited to get a […]
By Megan Kelley Review Writer The Lake Orion Community Schools Board of Education met last week for their regularly scheduled meeting and the docket included several first readings of a policy updates and discussion on those updates. The Policy Committee, made up of board Vice President Birgit McQuiston and Trustees Scott Taylor and Susan Flaherty, […]
By Megan Kelley Review Writer Five student-athletes from Lake Orion High School, spanning three sports, signed letters of intent to five different colleges last Wednesday in the high school’s first signing day of the 2021-22 school year. The students were joined by their families, as coaches took turns introducing their athlete and saying a few […]
Army Sgt. Destiny Vinson returned to Lake Orion to surprise her younger sister Morgan at Orion Oaks Elementary on Veterans Day. Sgt. Vinson, a 2017 Lake Orion High School graduate, last saw Morgan in April. Vinson is stationed at Fort Bragg, North Carolina. To watch the video of the sisters’ reunion, click play on the […]
Projects are part of the school bond phase II construction work By Megan Kelley Review Writer In recent months, Lake Orion Community Schools has wrapped up several bond construction projects throughout the district, reaching the end of the first series of the three series $160 million bond plan. Up next on the list of upcoming […]
By Megan Kelley Review Writer During their workshop meeting on Oct. 27, the Lake Orion Community Schools Board of Education moved forward in the strategic planning process by participating in their own input session. In recent months, the district has started building the foundation of strategic planning, wrapping up some of the final details of […]
The Lake Orion High School Leadership Development Workshop students organized a class competition Activities Night on Sunday evening after the Homecoming Parade. Seniors, juniors, sophomores and freshmen formed teams and competed in class games such as blindfolded musical chairs, tug of war, relay race, balloon stomp, a scavenger hunt and more. The senior won (legitimately) […]
By Megan Kelley Review Writer The Lake Orion Community Schools Board of Education met for a regularly scheduled meeting on Oct. 13 where, as has become a semi-regular occurrence, they were joined by district Data Specialist Missy Butki who presented the fall 2021-2022 student achievement data. Butki has presented student achievement data roughly three times […]
By Megan Kelley Review Writer Lake Orion Community Schools staff and board members celebrated the completion of the new building addition and other bond-related construction last Wednesday with a ribbon-cutting ceremony and tour. Staff members from Webber, including Principal Jennifer Goethals along with district administrators, board members, GMB architects and others who worked on the […]
Lake Orion Community Schools celebrated the beginning of Homecoming week with their annual Homecoming Parade through downtown Lake Orion. After taking a year off due to COVID-19 last year, Dragons big and small crowded the streets to cheer on students and staff within the district and give the varsity football team some encouragement for their […]