So, another Rush asks where has ‘community’ gone?

So, another Rush asks where has ‘community’ gone?

Captain’s Log: Star-date 2018-04-30. Today son Sean job shadows yours truly. His first duty? Pen a column. Why? By him doing so, I don’t have to. Enjoy. — Don Rush * * * ‘Tis I! The youngest son, the infamous millennial, and usurper – Sean Rush. First, I’d like to reassure you that I am […]

Talking about life, liberty and ‘Freedom’

Talking about life, liberty and ‘Freedom’

Life Well, dang-it-all! I missed my self-imposed deadline. Rats. I had hoped, didn’t work hard enough and failed to finish my book for dads. I wanted it written, rewritten, rewritten again and ready for purchase by Father’s Day. Not gonna’ happen. Hopefully, maybe by the holiday, gift-giving season, “Don’t Rush Me, I am making mistakes […]

It’s time to SCAMP Walk & Roll

It’s time to SCAMP Walk & Roll

Ah, it’s great to be alive! Spring is in the air, the tulips and other spring flowers are up and the weather is warm. New life. Renewal . . . . . . Is what I wanted to write about this week. Is what I should be writing about this week. But, I can’t. This […]

Snowflake nation revisited, or why we are soft

Snowflake nation revisited, or why we are soft

This past holiday weekend I walked around the backyard, looking over projects for spring and summer. There, in the very back, I saw this green plastic square. The Doggy Dooley! And, I was taken back to 14 years ago, when I installed said Dooley. What is it? Read on. * * * April 9, 2014: […]

Controlling the narrative gives you the edge, Part 2

Controlling the narrative gives you the edge, Part 2

Well, with eyes wide open, I stepped into it last week! In my zeal to champion the cause for critical thinking and of the Enlightenment, I must have touched a sore nerve when I had the gall to tell folks to ask questions. Before I get to your comments, thank you to everybody for reading […]

Let the light shine in and on!

Let the light shine in and on!

This week in Michigan is Sunshine Week. Sunshine Week, if you are in the know, is a week to shed light into the dark recesses of government, local, state and national. It is to promote transparency in government. The idea is pretty simple: The more the public knows, the more they can and will take […]

Local Doc on WJR & more Neanderthal philosophy

Local Doc on WJR & more Neanderthal philosophy

One of the nifty things about being a community newspaper dude (and Neanderthal Philosopher) is my seat, way up in the Ivory Tower, allows me opportunities to look down and observe. Other than dead people, I see things. I am witness to the highs and lows of communal life. I can keep tabs on your […]

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