Consider the consequences of Human Rights Ordinance

For those who are considering the ‘Human Rights Ordinance’ in our community please be aware that there are unintended consequences playing out across this country. I understand that there are good, reasonable people on both sides of this issue but what concerns me are the militant LGBT activists who are now using these laws to […]

Superintendent responds to resident’s concerns

I would like to take the opportunity to respond to the concern expressed by Mary McMaster in last week’s Lake Orion Review regarding the school district’s building and site sinking fund and clarify any misunderstandings about how the funds generated are used. She specifically referred to information on the sinking fund in a previous story […]


Charter Township of Orion Board of Trustees Synopsis, Regular Meeting, Monday, September 19, 2016 Meeting called to order at 7:03 p.m. All members present. Invocation: Pastor Sanders. All rose for the Pledge of Allegiance. Adopted resolution to set proposed 2016 millage rates. Held Truth in Budgeting Public Hearing. Held Bunny Run Water Quality Control SAD […]

Rain did not harsh Tommystock vibes

Tommystock 2016 was estimated to have seen 500-600 festival goers this weekend who braved the rain to jam out for a good cause. With over 22 musical acts September 16-18, kids activities, a newly added beer tent and acres of trails and camping at Camp Agawam, Tommystock brought the fun for many families. “We had […]

Multiple drunk drivers issued 8th offenses

On September 17, 2016 about 8:30 p.m., a Lake Orion Police Officer on patrol observed a male wearing a backpack on what appeared to be a motorized bicycle exiting a gas station/convenience store parking lot onto S. Broadway M-24. There were no headlights on the motorized bicycle, which pulled out in front of another southbound […]


NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The Charter Township of Orion Zoning Board of Appeals will hold a public hearing on Monday, October 10, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. in the lower level of the Orion Township Hall, 2525 Joslyn Road, Lake Orion, Michigan 48360, on the following matter: A. AB-2016-34, Mike Aziri, 1312 Holliday Drive, Sidwell #09-01-480-001 […]

LOHS has large addition of exchange students

By Georgia Thelen Review Staff Writer Lake Orion High School has always strived to bring exchange students over seas for the school year, but the 2016-17 school year has set a new record with 23 students. On September 14, these 23 students and four students with very limited English whose families recently moved to Lake […]

Township approves feasibility study for fire station #1

Twp. Sets 2016 millage rates By Jim Newell Review Staff Writer It was a busy night for township board members who approved funds for a feasibility study of fire station 1, voted to set the 2016 millage rates for the next fiscal year and granted funds for a handicap accessible play station at Friendship Park. […]

LO Art Center’s first photography show explores ‘The Artist’s Lens’

By Jim Newell Review Staff Writer From seasoned photographers using practiced methodology and sophisticated photo editing, to schoolchildren taking photos on their cell phones, the Orion Art Center’s first photography show featured an array of styles and talent. The Art Center’s first juried photography exhibit and competition, “The Artist’s Lens,” on Friday featured photographs from […]

Girls cross country team keeps getting stronger

By Jim Newell Review Staff Writer For a coach, nothing can beat having an experienced team of seasoned veterans who know your program and training regimen. But youth and enthusiasm can make up for a lot. A young Lake Orion High School girls’ varsity cross country team competed in the first jamboree of the season […]