What is the DDA paying for with the proposed $5 million bond?

I attended the DDA budget meeting on Feb. 7 where the upcoming DDA budget was discussed, and presumably the budget that will be presented to the village council.
While the payment of the bond was in the budget, although the final cost is still unknown, there was nothing about how the $5 million will be used.
In other words, while they will be paying the bond debt at about $400,000 per year for the next 17 to 18 years, they are not saying how they will spend the $5 million.
It also needs to be noted that while the bond is being promoted as $5 million, the cost to the taxpayers to pay the bond and interest will be around $7 million. While notified of this shortcoming in the budget information, the DDA Board took no action to add or amend the budget information.
Cory Johnston
Lake Orion

3 responses to “What is the DDA paying for with the proposed $5 million bond?”

  1. Well, are there ONLY 2-3 people reading the review??? not much interest in the CLOSED/PUBLIC MEETING, NO ANSWERS to questions put forth to the LOCAL CONCLES, D.D.A. and the PLANNINF COMM. as to WHEN THE “QUAINT VILLAGE of Orion” will EMPLOUD, and BOARD UP what’s left of the “QUIANT VILLAGE of ORION”, it will still be a SPEED BUMP to TRAFFIC FLOW N. and S. with the NEW ROUND ABOUT Stoney Creek, Conklin, and S.Orion roads, that will put the BACK UPS right in the center of the village, as in Flint and M-24, Flint and BROADWAY, and Atwater and M-24, not to forget the new CONDOS- two cars each, office space, 150 more cars, Bigfoot housing, 3+cars per hse. and still NO PARKING in the village, WHY? go figure, ah, for the GOOD OLD DAYS when you could buy a BUTTER FINGER CANDY bar for a nickel – those were the days, weeks,years. Brings a tear to the eyes of us OLD F**TS, the one or two still checking the grass looking down. Come on res. of the VILLAGE you must be thinking of something instead of WHATS on the tube, or supper. I and CORY, are lonesome out in this Forrest of THINKERS and DO NOTHENER’S, lets see some WISDOM or at least some THOUGHTS as to when you think the S**T is going to hit the fan with the IMPROVEMENTS being panhandled by BIG MONEY to the”QUAINT VILLAGE of Orion”

  2. @Cory, could be 2.5 for L.O.L. and —–2.5(CARRET ON A STRING) insentive to OTHER PROPERTY OWNERS in the area to SELL OUT to the DDA, who in turn will FLIP the whole secton (if the horse gets the CARRET) South of Front st. West side of South broadway to the junction of M-24, to include the 3 properties next to L.O.L., the childrens park, the ice cream shop, luckies, and the NEW perposed parking structure area(a real B.F.on that one) next to the fire station #1, to the NEXT HIGH BIDDER any guess who that might be?????, moving on to the next thought, the parking lot at Front, Anderson, and East Flint st’s (rehab the lot a three story COVERED PARKING STRUCTURE with parking meters and CHARGING STATIONS, a COVERED WALK WAY to the SAGE with up and down (covered walk ways on both sides of broad(COVERED???) this just some randum thoughts for the 3100 res. of the “QUAINT Village of Orion” to think about like projects on the board, two or three ready to go NOW, (tax abatements, missed bond payments, project over runs, o well, so muc for random though’s

  3. I have seen a preliminary drawing for what the DDA proposes to do with the Lumber Yard property but was asked not to share it by the DDA Executive Director, and I have not. Given the amount of discussion of all the good things that could be done, but no formal plan, I have filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request with the Village for whatever the presentation was supposed to be at the February 13, 2023 Special Meeting that was cancelled only hours before it was supposed to happen.
    As announced by the DDA Executive Director at the February 13 regular council meeting, a presentation on the lumber yard project is now scheduled for March 7 at 6:30 PM although it is still not on the Village website agenda list.

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