Lumber redevelopment is a fantastic proposal

Re: “Lake Orion DDA gets extension on proposed Lake Orion Lumber Yard property purchase,” March 1, 2023, Lake Orion Review.

This is a fantastic plan and certainly an improvement over the 150-plus apartments the previous developer was trying to put in.
The only concern I have, I do not see how you get all this done for $5 million. I would not want to see a development that is not completed, or looking for future monies to finish it.
Keep up the good work DDA.
Greg Rogers
Lake Orion

2 responses to “Lumber redevelopment is a fantastic proposal”

  1. @CJ, help me out on GR’s response. I can’t think of a proper rebuttal that the O. R. would put in print. The DDA must be recruiting. They are asking for a 5m bond that the village council probley vote no but let’s TALK about the 2.4m you wanted the first time around the table, that might just carry, better a little less then the whole pie but with a mim of revamp to lol we flip it to the BIG MONEY and still have enough left over for a pack of smokes and B.M. will what they want, the GATE WAY to the village. Keep up the good work DDA. Wonder where he parked the MOTHER SHIP????

  2. I have asked my planner and architect friends and not one has said this is a good design, some have outright said it is bad.
    If you watch the DDA presentation from March 7 that is available on OrionONTV about what they want to do, you will hear that they don’t have a budget for this project, they don’t even have a scope of work from which to establish a budget, but they want $5 million because that is the maximum amount they can get.
    If approved by the Village Council, the taxpayers will end up paying close to $7 million to pay off the bond even if the DDA does nothing on this property or if whatever they do is a financial failure. Do the people in the Village of Lake Orion want to take that risk given that the DDA has never done anything of this magniture before?

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