Disagrees with village, DDA on lawsuit over petitions

Well, our elected fiefdom, the Lake Orion Village Council, and their appointed board, the DDA, have now sued a village resident for executing and completing a petition to eliminate the Tax Increment Financing Ordinance!
This is the second time that a petition to effect this change has been thwarted by our elected officials.
Last year, I initiated and completed a similar petition only to have our elected officials receive and file it. This year the originator of the petition is being sued so that the petition question could be removed from the November ballot. In both cases the petitions were signed by over 15 percent of registered voters, the required amount.
I believe that petitions are a fundamental element of our democracy and are a way of the citizenry to pose a question to the general registered population.
There are technicalities involved in this situation that I won’t expand upon, but through the use of two attorneys and closed sessions of the village council and another by the DDA board, apparently this suit is the answer.
In the spirit of openness and transparency it would seem that this should have had some discussion or authorization in public.
I am willing to accept resistance to a legitimate question, but to sue a citizen to accomplish this seems excessive.

Harry Stephen
Lake Orion

One response to “Disagrees with village, DDA on lawsuit over petitions”

  1. (my thoughts) To the VOTING citizens of the Quint Village of Orion, the 7th of Nov is NOT that far away, WHY don’t YOU the voters make 11-7(vote day) for about 3 thousand voters a fun day, say like the 4th of July and vote in a new hen house with out the 5 yes votes and just 3 na on the neg. side, remember you already had one member resinge because she has tired of the B.S. that is going on behiend (Village, DDA, TOWNSHIP, BIG MONEY) CLOSED DOOR MEETINGS. Bout time for some members of the Village councle to dig out a job app. they may need it come 11-8-23, by the way I still would like to know WHAT does a “volunteer member” on the DDA from the Township do??? looks like a pvt. line as to what goes on behiend those (closed door meeting)

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