Time to ditch the Bald Don look

Time to ditch the Bald Don look

  The other day I posted online, it was time to get rid of the Bald Don look. I have let the chromedome column mugshot go here in the hallowed halls of Don’tRushMedom because, in our angst-ridden times, I thought it might make some of you guys smile. Only my barber knows, but — since […]

Wait, what? Some positive news to share?

Wait, what? Some positive news to share?

In this tipsy, turvy world of turmoil, anger, angst and untrust (thank you politicians and COVID-19), you may not think there are good things going on. Au contraire, mon ami! I know we all have been fed more and more negative news to keep us agitated against one another — fear seems to be the […]

If you don’t know how to vote, you probably shouldn’t

If you don’t know how to vote, you  probably shouldn’t

Last Friday, yours truly,  like every other media outlet reporter, broadcaster in the state received a press release from our very own Secretary of State, Jocelyn Benson. The release was headlined: Rejected absentee ballot numbers highlight need for legislative changes. Followed by this subhead: Majority of rejections could be easily fixed with changes to law. […]

The Return to Ott (and more)

The Return to Ott (and more)

Ah, memories. I love ‘em. Sometimes we cling to them. Sometimes we are overcome by them. In the end, they’re good to have. I remember on my father’s death bed, gosh, 24 years ago now, he confided in me, through the purple haze of morphine induced calm, “The worst thing about this is, I forgot […]

Well Dangerous Don, you did it again!

Well Dangerous Don, you did it again!

Oh gosh, what was it? Two weeks ago I penned a column, opening my heart to the public and admitting, yup, I your hero, wears a mask when going to the store, in the restaurant, etc. Wrote I, “Personally, cause I am the only person I can control, I wear a mask when I go […]

Praise be and pass the mustard, please!

Praise be and pass the mustard, please!

Okay. It’s true. I admit it. I know I am a history-reading, emotionally shallow, U.S. Constitution thumping Neanderthal. Warts and all, I stand with the United States of America. When I was still 17, I even went to Detroit and with a bunch of others swore an oath of allegiance. I reckon you can call […]

You tend to your business, I’ll tend to mine

You tend to your business, I’ll tend to mine

“Don’s Log, COVID-date 2020-0720. Day 126 of our adventure in the brave new world imposed on us by imperial  leaders in Washington, D.C. and Lansing, MI., and exacerbated by far left radicals. At the rate of hysteria and at our current course, our projected destinations are the planets of Anarchy, Socialism and Totalitarianism. Rush, out.” […]

You know what, the world’s always been crazy

You know what, the world’s always been crazy

Call me kooky, but I think we Americans are all narcissists. And, we’re spoiled, ta-boot. We think our opinions — right now — are the most valid; today’s problems are the most urgent; and, if we do not act now (because we are SO smart) the world will end in (fill in your doomsday countdown […]

The white-washing of history ain’t my cup o’ tea.

The white-washing of history ain’t my cup o’ tea.

The last four weeks or so have been kinda’ hard for this cat, sitting upon his loft, safely perched miles away from mayhem, watching. Change is one of the only certainties we can count on, but I’m just not a fan of trying to make significant societal changes overnight — it hurts people.  Nor, am […]

Since all wish to protest, I shall whine

Since all wish to protest, I shall whine

I haven’t whined in a long time, so, in a weird kinda’ American way, I’m due. I mean, every one else in the country is up in arms and complaining, why can’t I? Like many of you, I watched a little bit of television this past weekend. All the news shows were live feeds from […]

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