Village needs to stop DDA’s tax capture of residential property

Well, it’s certainly a sin against humanity and totally unfair for the DDA to take village resident tax money (almost $500,000 a year) away from the village, then forcing an unnecessary council vote on a (proposed) village citizen special tax assessment.
“Say it isn’t so” to quote a famous phrase applicable in this case because from 1985 to 2023 the DDA has taken an estimated over $10 Million dollars from the village to spend ONLY on DDA projects not directly benefiting residents.
How long can the village go on giving the DDA the village’s own tax money needed to fund necessary village projects? I say it’s really a sin to keep this village-honored DDA theft going on for 38 years!
It isn’t fair to village residents for this to continue each year when village expenses can’t be paid due to its loss.
Looking fairly at this sacrilege it appears the DDA has an abnormal control over the council.
To counter this long disadvantage to village tax payers a Special Citizen Petition will soon be offered for citizen signatures for this DDA Tax Give Away to be discontinued now so money can go back into the village funds and budget to spend on necessary projects.
When village residents realize this, they should ask the village manager and council why this has been allowed to go on since 1985.
Then I am sure the DDA will rain false accusations against this citizen petition but the facts deny their accusations. But we now ask the DDA to try to openly defend its unfair actions since 1985 in The Review.
I now ask the petition administrators to put forth a formal public notice soon in The Lake Orion Review to explain the why and how this signed petition will finally work to each citizens’ benefit.
Fred Fleming
Lake Orion


2 responses to “Village needs to stop DDA’s tax capture of residential property”

  1. Has the V.C. thought about getting a lone from the DDA. to FIX the leak in the meeting room ceiling ?????? just asking.

  2. Its a head scratcher. The money by logic should go to the Village and from there a portion to the DDA . Why was this implemented? The Village obviously would need a whole new revamping in order to handle that but it sure seems to need to happen. It is nice to have options to Sagebrush ( thanks DDA ) but it feels a bit backwards the way the money and control flows.

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