Three stories to warm the cockles of your heart

Story Number 1
One late afternoon of our many hot days I decided to dangle my legs in our pool, just for kicks.
Our 12-year-old grandkids were also in the pool with their dad. They were throwing a basketball at me so it would hit and splashed my face. Ha, ha. Very funny.
Enough already, so I went inside, toweled off and put on my pajamas.
Later Trevor and Haley came in the back door and he yelled something . . . Before I go on with this scene, I want to tell you I questioned its taste to Trevor’s favorite teacher from last year, Ms Dolson. She thought it was funny, but it shouldn’t go in the newspaper. A review with others proved her in a minority . . .
. . . So, Trevor yelled something, which caused me to answer, ‘I’m in the kitchen, come in and see if there’s anything you like.?
Both started laughing. When Trevor got to the kitchen he said, ‘I just wanted to know if you were naked.?

Story Number 2
When Mitt Romney went to the London Olympics he was massacred by the British press, all three major tv networks here, the liberal press and so-called opinion writers throughout the U.S.
This condemnation because he mentioned there could possibly be situations that might occur.
At these Olympics last Sunday, the American women took the medal for the swim across the English Channel. One of these women is from Michigan. She had cancer surgery earlier this year, but swam with her team. Last Monday, Frank Beckman on WJR interviewed this woman. One of his questions was about what the women did after their event.
After resting, they tried to get seating for an event. None were available, though there were many empty seats.
Frank told her why there were no seats available in the arenas. Seems the Olympic Organizational Committee gave numerous tickets to countries like Germany, Belgium, France, etc. and they scalped the tickets.
Haven’t seen or heard about that from the liberal press. Fox tv did film the many empty seats.
Of course it could be that many of the 52 sports contests, men and women, are politically chosen and not audience gatherers.

Non-story Number 3
The president of Rotary Clubs International is Sakuji Tanaka of Japan. His theme is Peace Through Service.
He suggests we think about what Peace means.
My immediate thought was, ‘lack of war.? There are so many people in so many lands may never experience this kind of peace.
Beyond that kind of peace, folks might seek financial security, family (relatives) peace, peaces of mind, peace with God, peace in health, etc.
Those are my thoughts. Tanaka’s thoughts have to be wider. He mentions peace by helping people . . . providing water, polio vaccine, foods, education, and creating basic conditions needed for peace.
Tanaka’s position in Rotary transcends, as it should, my egotistic-like thoughts.
His theme, as I said, is Peace Through Service, and Rotary’s 34,000 clubs must work together to achieve world peace.

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