The mind is boggled, and so are many facts

I don’t just sit around doing nothing, you know.
I busy myself looking for the insignificant like, ‘How many brushings can we expect from a tube of toothpaste??
I now have the answer. But first the rules. This is a six oz. (170g) tube. I alternated using a regular toothbrush (given by my dentist) and an Oral B each day. I brushed only in the morning.
That tube lasted from June 15, 2007 to September 27, 2007 — 104 days.
Bet you didn’t know that before reading this Jottings!
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News flash! This is the political season! Oh, you knew that? It’s also known as the phrase season. Many people, but especially political people, have phrases they love to repeat.
They are as boring as the teenagers? ‘ya know,? and ‘like ya know,? and ‘duh!?
Vice President Dick Cheney’s oft-repeated phrase is, ‘But fact of the matter is? . . . etc.
Democrat and presidential candidate John Edwards says (often), ‘Truth of the matter is? . . . etc.
Sports announcers throw in ‘athleticism? to impress with, and break up their ‘one-leg-at-a-time,? ‘I don’t know if he’ll be off the injured reserve list,? ‘this is the most important game of the season? and the ‘other team is strong in every position? comments.
‘Breaking news? is gaining popularity as an attention getter on the airwaves. As in, ‘We interrupt this program to bring you the rescue of a cat in a tree spotted by JAS in his helicopter. The cat was reported missing 15 minutes ago, and now JAS. ‘Yes, we’ve spotted the spotted cat and it appears to be in good shape except some of the spots seem to be missing. Back to you in the studio.??
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We are forever being warned to wash our hands whenever we touch another, sneeze, trickle, handle fresh foods, used books or pet your pet. We’re told of new viruses being invented; threatened that epidemicare spread by non-washers and extreme shortages of vaccines.
Well, apparently this keep-your-hands-to-yourself doesn’t apply in church. I was at a service recently when the pastor asked us to greet, and become friends with everyone within six aisles. A young lad next to me let me look at his hand before shaking, but I risked disease and shook it anyway.
I know God was watching, but I asked Him to cleanse both me and the boy anyway.
I’m an anti-shake-hands-with-strangers, think-hygiene-first campaigner.
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Former Federal Reserve Director Alan Greenspan came out with a new book September 16. I tried to never miss any of his appearances before
Congress. I seldom understood what he said — he used and still uses — words I’ve never heard of, in places I never ventured.
I listened/watched proceedings primarily to hear him confuse Congressional committees. These people never hear whoever is appearing before them. They come with a prepared script, read it in their allotted time and look smugly into the camera for their constituents.
The next day I read reporters? account of what the director said. If they conclude Greenspan said the economy as good, stocks would go up. For a while I listened for a money-making tip. If he ever gave one, I never caught it.
Still later, when asked specific questions about a point in his speech by talking heads (who many think understood the Director), Greenspan would say, ‘No, I didn’t say that exactly.?
Heck, the guy never said anything ‘exactly.?
I’ve always known that, yet he enthralls me with his rhetoric, and his ability to make the committee members sound stupid.

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