The full moon makes people go crazy

That headline comes from a study by Hannah Holmes of reactions during full moons.
I had some direct connections during the most recent full moon while with a couple whose livelihoods are in the medical field.
The lady nurse in our midst said more urgent births will happen during full moons.
The man, who is associated with Detroit Medical Group, said hospitals will often add staff during a full moon.
Another lady in this group, who was with a utility company, said more customer complaints were called in during a full moon.
Holmes refers to this full moon stuff as ‘enduring folk wisdom, spurred by modern-day rumors that emerge that emergency rooms fill up, oddballers act odder, and dogs howl in the streets when the moon beams.?
What I heard from these two medical people isn’t rumor. It’s fact.
Holmes debunked every rumor she heard, but one. She recognized that the moon and sun both have a gravitational effect on the Earth. When both are on our right (new moon), their combined forces tug up big ocean tides; when we come between them (full moon), they pull in opposite directions.
Which brings me to The Old Farmer’s 2010 Almanac, which I mentioned just a few weeks ago. I said I paid $5.95 for a shrunken version with little interest and would never buy an Almanac again.
Well, I won’t have to. The publishers put us back on the free copy list again. Previously I mentioned the temperature changes predicted for our zone: small change up in January, small change down in February, normal for March, small change up in April, small change down in May.
My new, larger Almanac gives the temperatures: same ups and downs, but by one to three degrees.
What I enjoy most about the Almanac calendars are the poetic predictions. Like November, 2009.
Each line covers six days, except the last line is five days.
First it’s glowing, then it’s snowing!
A pause then screaming squalls & williwaws.
Bright but bitter, then a thaw.
Yet again it’s cold and storming:
Whatever happened to global warming?
There’s an article on green manure and maneuvering your manure, lots of recipes, why we yawn and setting eggs by the moon’s time.
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The next person awarded a Lifetime Achievement certificate should go to the person who goes to a grocery store and buys only what is on their list.
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Today’s Save-The-Environment people (propagandists) have overlooked a major gasoline saving idea.
However, the gas-saving public, by and large, haven’t. Trucks and autos expend much of their liquid energy by stopping and accelerating.
Pelosi, et all, should be urging legislation to eliminate ticketing nonstop sign obeyers. Thus saving trillion of gallons of gas and . . .
Oh, come to think of it, people have been non-stopping for stop signs since the 4-letter word was invented.
We realize the acronym for STOP, is: Slow To Observe Police.
You knew that, didn’t you?
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A pair of six-shooters beats a pair of aces.
Hear about the person who claimed to be a vegetarian? They ran the vegetables through the cow and ate the cow.
Eat drink and be merry, for tomorrow you may diet.
The noblest of dogs is the hot dog. It feeds the hand that bites it.
Give me liberty, or – O O o o – a jelly donut.

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