Sanctuary, glitch & more

Sanctuary is such a comforting word, a place of refuge, brought into our language by the Hebrews, and expanded quickly through the Christian church.
Then a people movement in about 1989 expanded the use of the word sanctuary to city limits on the west coast.
People began flocking to Los Angeles, Berkley and San Fancisco.
These areas needed lots of labor in a hurry for their growing fruits, vegetables, etc.
Make some areas sanctuaries for religious growth, Spanish, Mexican, Chinese, whatever, labor.
More merchandisers needing everything fast, which prompted legals, illegals and expansions out there.
Those involved in people deals, including the aforementioned cities, fought over who could gain the most for the least. And the politicians, well they just did what politicians do, open their borders and their pockets.
Its sanctuary ideology, limit jail time, limit punishment, ‘After all this is a sanctuary.?
And it came to a head this week.
An American woman was shot to death by a man who has been jailed and released several times from a city sanctuary for breaking laws.
But it just didn’t matter. OPEN THE DOOR POLITICO!
City sanctuaries can hold law-breakers, but they are not covered by federal laws, so they are returned to whatever life they had before one of life’s interruptions in a sanctuary city.
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We have an ever progressing use of the word ‘glitch.? It’s gone from a city street vernacular to the Chinese stock market to Wall Street to the New York Stock Exchange and to become a very descriptive word for television networks when there is an interruption.
Or if airlines loose contact with plane boarders, glitch is now the popular excuse for a ‘usually temporary? failure.
Another point of interest, to me, is the word ‘glitch? isn’t in my Merriam Webster dictionary my wife gave my son on his 18th birthday in 1972. I don’t need google!
Doing my kind of research, I called our office and asked whomever answered the phone what is glitch? She answered glitch is a ‘malfunction.?
Expect to see more use of the word glitch as auto parts makers use it to soften the meaning of faulty products, personal goof-ups and other failures they don’t want made public.
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Weather forecast: ‘We’re in an upper level low?!
If my favorite dog, Shayna, had promised she loved me, would our Supreme Court approved us? Even 5 to 4?
‘I’m sure you know the Roman Numerals for (40) are XL.
My prayer for this day: Lord, Keep your arm around my shoulder and your editing pen handy.

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