Mayans created hell, we may witness it 12/12

I’m not a pessimist!
I’m not a pessimist!
I’m not a pessimist!
But, doubt creeps in when I read the ancient Mayans said we are in the cusp of the end times, the end of a galactic day or time period.
Their calendar ends on the end of the winter solstice, December 12, 2012.
Scholars have been studying Mayan history for years trying to determine if that means the real END.
Archaeologists, using long forgotten testimony from the Spanish Inquisition, are trying to determine if the Mayans were reproducing hell as they built a network of underground chambers, roads and temples beneath farmland and jungles in the Yucatan peninsula.
One says, ‘It was a place of fear, the place of cold, the place of danger, of the abyss, done perhaps to give the living an idea of the terrors they would meet en route to paradise.?
Mayans believed the world had five cycles of 5,125 years each. December 12, 2012 ends the fifth cycle. After this, the Mayans say, ‘We will be ready to go through the door that was left by them, transforming our civilization based on fear, to a vibration much higher in harmony.?
They predict during these times, solar winds will become more intense and will be seen on the Sun.
Oh, I get it. Al Gore is a Mayan. I knew he couldn’t think up this stuff by himself. But, wow, he sure must be commended for his ability to recruit for the Mayan beliefs.
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Back in 1990, our government seized the Mustang Ranch brothel in Nevada for tax evasion, and, as required by law, tried to run it.
They failed, and it closed. Now, we are trusting a pack of nitwits, who couldn’t run a house of ill repute that has a liquor license, to intelligently spend about a trillion dollars of taxpayer money to improve the economy.
What a country!
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It disturbs me greatly that Michigan, and 15 other states, didn’t send absentee ballots to our people in service in time for them to vote in the last election.
We’re hearing, for an excuse, our incompetents didn’t allow enough time, forgive mailing, to go to and from overseas service people.
Now, let’s see. We’ve had two World Wars, the Korean War, Vietnam, conflicts all over where we’ve sent troops and the ballot mailers haven’t figured out how long it takes to complete a mail circle?
I know, I know, ‘Because of the lack of funds forcing us to cut back, we haven’t adequate employees to meet our obligation.?
There is certainly an inadequacy some place!
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Our two daughters took their families to our place in Engadine to greet the new year. Snowmobiling and ice fishing filled their days.
I sure would have liked to have been there to see grandson Trevor, 9, pull a 22-inch pike out through that hole in Millecoquins Lake.
His dad said his unexcitable son showed some excitement that day.
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The good health advisors suggest, both in person and writing, that I walk more. I’ve reasoned it from every angle, but still think they are right. So, why, when I drive to a store do I continue to look for parking places as close to the front door as possible?
Laziness overcomes reasoning every time.

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