By Megan Kelley
Review Writer
Lake Orion’s Downtown Development Authority won the Spirit of Mainstreet award for the second time on May 9.
More than 200 people, which included many local and county officials as well as business leaders attended the annual gala event, which takes place at the Flagstar Strand Theatre for the Performing Arts in Pontiac. Attendees joined Oakland County Executive L. Brooks Patterson in recognizing and honoring communities, businesses and volunteers for their efforts to preserve and energize their downtowns.
“The energy, passion and vision the communities, volunteers and businesses bring to Main Street Oakland County makes the program the success it is and their downtowns the attractive destinations they are,” Patterson said. “Such hard work and such tremendous results. If you’ve touched one of our Main Street communities in one way or another, congratulations and thank you for what you do. Thanks to the county planning team that makes the program run so smoothly. And I’m excited to welcome Madison Heights as the newest member of the Main Street Oakland County family.”
This year’s event’s theme was “Main Street Radio Hour” and awards were given in 14 categories. Winners were selected by a judging panel comprised of experts in historic preservation and economic development.
Among the winners was Lake Orion’s DDA who won a $2,000 cash award for their radio-themed video about the global connections of its small downtown produced by DDA Intern Sean Boeberitz and featured DDA Director Molly LaLone and local resident James Jenkins.
“It was by no means an easy task,” said Boeberitz. “Sure, I was the one that made the video that won but it was not (just) me by any stretch of the imagination, there were tons of people involved and Lake Orion should be proud of themselves because they came together to put together something very great. I’m honored to have been apart of that process and I’m excited that this film was able to win that award.”
Lake Orion has also won this award in 2017.

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