Joe Dirt

I’m sure we are all creatures of habit, and lock our minds into unrelated topics.
Sunday, March 14 had a very strange beginning for me. I awoke at 7 a.m., and again at 10 a.m., just in time to watch Chris Wallace’s Sunday morning news.
It’s a habit I like. When it closed, Fox started a movie called ‘Joe Dirt.?
Never heard of it, but I never thought of changing channels for the next three hours. Columbia Pictures produced it.
It’s got a couple who found love, rural life, city life, physically, personal dirty living, a lot of love of earth, heavens and people.
I surely recommend it if you find ‘Joe Dirt? in your tv schedules.
* * *
Which brings me to the rest of my Sunday ‘do? requirement, reading The Detroit News Sunday paper.
Which turned out to be the most boring, uninformative (to me) piece of journalism I’ve ever run across.
‘Auto jobs are going to Mexico,? ‘A family crime story,? downtown buildings are dinosaurs, six pages of what I used to call diarrhea of the typewriter, 4 full pages of ads
(The News needs the money).
* * *
Now that I’ve got those two items past me, I’ll go back and forth for a while.
Everybody knows August is Leo’s month. And it’s my month, and has been for almost 88 years.
? Is there anything sweeter than fresh picked corn on the cob? I don’t even boil it or add butter. Leo loved sweet corn on the cob.
? I told a gal waiting on me in a restaurant recently her hair ‘Looked like a Vietnamese yard dog.? That stupid remark brought her a big tip from me.
? This billion dollar Snyder M1 railway project better save riders a hell of a lot of money if they expect to draw us away from our lovable cars. Is M1 expected to eliminate walking downtown Detroit, drop us off at our convenient, places and eliminate several 2-car families?
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I realize everyone doesn’t enjoy reading our newspapers: The Oxford Leader, The Lake Orion Review, The Citizen and The Clarkston News: But I sure hope these readers don’t reflect my comments, above, about my last Sunday’s Detroit News.
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? If gal golfers choose club covers that match their shorts, as some are doing these days, will the transuni-whatevers follow that lead?
? So far, it’s only June 14, 10 Republican men have announced their run for U.S. president. Follow them for me and then let me know if you think any of them can beat Hillary.
? Facing me, as I set down to my computer, are two old pictures. One is of the outstandingly funny Red Skelton. The other picture is the three Marx Brothers, Harpo, Chico and Groucho. Put humor at the top of your bucket list, whatever that is.

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