Jim returns with tales of today and yesteryear!

Editor’s Note: This week we celebrate the return of Jim’s Jottings after much too long of an absence from our pages. However, we should note Mr. Sherman’s column will not be a weekly page 7 feature as before. Instead, he will write them whenever inspiration strikes. Enjoy.
Prior to February 26, 2013, I had some pain in my right hip ? though I thought it was my knee. Then my Dr. Jennings ordered an X-ray.
D. Olenyn, a surgeon, looked at my X-ray for about a minute-and-a-half, and said unceremoniously, ‘You need a new hip!’Today is August 9. That’s how long it has taken me to attempt to start writing Jottings again.
And it took five sessions with therapist Mark Beeman to convince me to start.
However, I recently celebrated my 87th birthday, which brings doubts that I’ll even finish this column.
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For you who haven’t had surgery, I must alert you to the effect on your mind. It slows considerably.
Names and faces don’t come together as quickly, many foods don’t taste or sound as good as you remember and body movements change.
Legs need help from walkers, crutches, or canes. But you learn to live with the changes. You have too.
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* If everything is coming your way, you’re in the wrong lane.
* You can’t have everything; where would you put it?
* Why is a Teddy bear never hungry? Because he’s stuffed.
I gotta work more on my humor.
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I’m honored to have been chosen as one of two grand marshals in Oxford’s salute to Brace Beemer, the radio Lone Ranger. Lake Orion’s legend, Peter Kalohn, was the second marshal. Pete knew Brace from his frequenting Pete’s restaurant.
I met Brace while writing about him a few times. He had started developing 340 acres north of his house on W. Drahner. I told him of my interest in a couple acres west of his home.
He called me one day, and in his deepest Lone Ranger voice, yelled, ‘Sherman! You gotta own this property! I’ll make it easy on you.?
And he did. He split the payments to $3,000 down and $6,000 over the next two years.
His tack house was on my property. It was finished in knotty pine and covered with pictures of Brace with politicians and celebrities.
While Brace and I were signing our agreement, Mrs. Beemer went into the tack house and removed all the pictures. She gave some to Oxford’s museum and some to others.
Back to the parade for a minute. Pete wouldn’t get into the grand marshal’s car until he remembered the Mason jar he brought for the occasional ‘occasion.?
It was an outstanding parade with little kids sitting closely on the curbs, 60 entries, two high school bands, lots of kids from several organizations, and some candy-tossers.
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One good thing about being wrong is the joy it brings to others.

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