JAS jots about abbreviations, politicians

The media, politicians, medical interests — in fact the whole world — is taken up with abbreviations. They’re like those hand-held gadgeteers who brag, ‘I’ve got an app for that.?
Sitting here in front of my screen, I came up with my own abbreviation.
Fastest Finger On Clicker.
There’s more and more stuff that needs clicking.
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Why do companies, especially in the science field, spell products, like Xeralto, with an x, but pronounce it like it starts with a z?
I wondered recently if Depends are washable. So I called Pam, my know-it-all toe nailer. She said ‘depends?.
Then I went to the Yellow Pages to look for another toe nailer.
Then a caller of illiterate proportions asked me to ask you, what the future is for telephone booths? There is no future for phone booths, what with every new gadget having access to all communicative devices.
That caller is going to have to ask Superman where he’s changing clothes these days.
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Now to what I intended to write about this week. Two candidates of equally limited abilities have had their political parties select committees to spend money on their endorsements.
There’s not a single name mentioned, only ‘Committee to elect?. And the committees to elect Teri Lind Land and Gary Peters have found monied backers outside America.
Why aren’t Peters and Land finding funding here? Those two seem to be following other Senator’s practices of doing little or nothing for America (their constituents) while raising tons of money for themselves.
I’ve had my absent voters ballots for at least a week, and I’m reluctant to mail them. Too afraid a thief might take them and sell them to a ‘committee to elect.?
I went through the Sunday Free Press looking for candidate ads.
Found none! Guess those ‘committees? are concentrating on non-readers, preferring vocal re-runs.
And to quote Don, another of this newspaper’s columnists, ? . . . elected officials, those who are supposed go to Washington, DC to look out for the American people. They go to Washington as regular folks and come out as millionaires only looking out for themselves.?
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During their walk, the daddy tomato stomped on the baby tomato and said, “Ketchup!?
Don’t hate yourself in the morning, sleep til noon.
Do you still love nature after what she did to you?
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