It’s hunting season, and I’m hunting for words

Mary had a little lamb, and the doctor fainted!
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I had to take a week off from Jottings last week for what Dr. Portnoy made sound like minor surgery. ‘We’re just going to scrape one of the discs in your back to ease your leg pain.?
For the next day he didn’t come near me, as far as I can remember, or you would have read his obituary.
It was only one night in the hospital, then two nights with daughter, Luan, having to listen to my groaning and her telling me, ‘Each day it will get better.?
Actually, the exaggerated pain I was suffering when I went in for surgery was gone when I came to. So by the time of my next appointment, Dr. Portnoy had become my hero, pastor and idol.
However, the cutting open of my back, and idleness, weakened areas that needed therapy.
That’s masochism. ‘Bring your knees up to your chest,? he said. I couldn’t do that when I was in the crib.
‘Walk more!? I drive my garden tractor to the mailbox, barely get out of the golf cart to putt and haven’t liked to walk since attending that 1-room school, six miles away, uphill both ways.
The worst part? I missed two Friday night dinner parties, and two Wednesday afternoon meetings at the Legion.
I have a couple more doctor appointments before the opening of deer season, and if I’m made to miss that, that will become number one on my ‘missed? list.
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During my recovery, October 27 to be exact, The Detroit News carried this headline: ‘Detroit gets tips for turnaround.?
The subhead read: ‘Public relations experts in town for convention say government honesty key to city’s recovery.?
Is that brilliant or what? These spin doctors are in town — spinning.
Detroit’s previous mayor is in jail for felonies, like lying on record, and the current mayor is accused of breaking the law by failing to pay necessary fees, $42,000, though he signed a paper saying he did.
Isn’t honesty the key to life?
It’s the key to lasting friendships, happy marriages, ball games, employee relations, church, animal respect and self worth.
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I don’t care if you’ve heard the story of the blind parachute jumper, I’m telling it any way.
Every time this jumper tells his experiences, someone asks, ‘How do you do that??
He says, ‘Well, they help me into the plane, put a parachute on me, put my hand on the cord, take off and at the right time, tell me to jump.?
‘Yeah, but how do you know when you get close to the ground?? they’ll ask.
The jumper says, ‘Well, I’ve got a good sense of smell and I can smell the trees and flowers.?
Again, ‘Yeah, but how do you know when you’re about to hit the ground??
‘Easy,? the blind man says, ‘The leash goes limp!?

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