I got some Ramblin? JJ’s for you

Here’s a question my middle child wants answered: ‘Why do deer and ground hogs in my yard eat my plantings (flowers, small bushes), but don’t eat the new growths each year in the perennial growing areas??
I don’t get texts nor emails, so try the mail with your answers (PO Box 108, Oxford, MI 48371).
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I’ve been wearing glasses since the 1950’s. Some years later tri-focals were prescribed. They have been updated several times since. Last February, my eye doctor recommended I make an appointment with the Retina Center of Michigan in Southfield.
Their offices take the entire sixth floor of the Comerica Bank building. That is one very busy place. My first visit took me to several offices where pictures were taken, notes recorded and very bright flashes sent my nerves bouncing.
All this stuff was sent to Dr. Darrin Levin’s office. My first meeting (and my next session) was less than ten minutes, as I recall.
He told me what he was going to do and he did it quickly.
Fast is what he is. He put various drops in my right eye, then he injected some stuff into that eyeball to reduce some swelling, and gave me an appointment five weeks later.
At that time, he took a picture of the area and showed me the swelling had been reduced. And, he gave me an appointment ahead six weeks.
All this time my reading was blurred. I had to re-read newspapers, and my own writing. several times to clarify it. As I’m sitting here now at my computer my vision is damn near 20-20.
It’s so good I’m almost anxious for my third, and hopefully, my last eyeball injection.
Ah, the advances in medicine and treatments in my lifetime have been miraculous.
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I am not a fan of AARP, the American Association for Retired People. I think some people in a charity money raising club put together the acronym to dupe old patriots like me.
I fell for it in its beginning, but dropped it when solicitations for money overwhelmed me.
That group’s advertisement, ‘Millions have enrolled in AARP? brought this response to my mind,
‘Multi millions have not enrolled in AARP.?
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Notice to Waitresses and Bartenders Who Take My Sandwich Order: Don’t ever even ask if I’d like cheese on my BLT! Just toast my bread and put Michigan grown tomatoes, bacon and salad dressing between the slices, step aside and listen for my, ‘Thank you!
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? Send me the survey that proves often repeated ads have negative affects on the product and the deliverer.
? Red heads better love that shade a little longer. Global warming enthusiasts (egg heads) have put out the warning that the number of red heads being born is dropping. I wonder how much money our government has wasted on that study?

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