From plowing snow to bashing government

From the Jim’s Jotting Archives. This column was first published on Dec. 10, 2008
So far this fall I’ve got on my little John Deere tractor, snow blade in place, and pushed the snow aside twice.
It wasn’t so long ago I’d complain to myself, bemoaning the task at hand . . . that of clearing the driveway, steps and sidewalk of snow.
Nowadays I’ve come to an understanding with Mother Nature. She provides the need for me to get off my duff, and I look favorably on the task at hand.
It’s great to be at that stage in life when what used to be a chore becomes something to be enthused about, when a previously dreaded obligation turns into a time of enjoyment and when some job you were forced to do can now be looked forward to as a pleasure.
I find myself singing Christmas carols, not out loud, even as a pine tree branch lets go of its snow buildup. Being pain-free and well-rested helps set a mood, but bright snow, colorful birds and an occasional whitetail walking through elevates the feeling.
I feel for the folks who have convinced themselves to hate winter and taken to the south. For me this season is like the song that goes in part: ‘What a glorious time of the year.?
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I don’t believe I’ve used this great quote in 30 years, but I love it: ‘You can have money piled to the ceiling, but the size of your funeral is still going to depend on the weather.?
Here’s a quote from the late Walter Winchell: ‘Hollywood is a place where they shoot too many pictures and not enough actors.?
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‘This country has come to feel the same when Congress is in session as when the baby gets hold of a hammer.?- Will Rogers
At this writing our government has made no decision on our auto makers request for loans. But, at this writing those elected officials in Washington have let us all know how they feel about our auto makers.
Never mind they forced fuel engineering changes on the companies without scientific proof autos were causing even an unusually high percentage of damage to our environment.
Never mind they forced changes in production to vehicles that were both unwanted by the public and unprofitable. The grandstanding electeds spent their time trying to ridicule the biggest names in the auto industry.
‘You flew here in your private jets instead of crawling here, bowing before us and singing our praises. We demand respect! We are your superiors! You are peons, we are kings,? they shouted.
Of course, these DC interviewers are exactly what they showed themselves to be. Arrogant, show offs, tactless, indecent and not very smart.
I was embarrassed by the actions of these representatives of our government for the image they displayed to the rest of the world.
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I think, most of us with telephones are contacted for money by numerous organizations. Police associations, food banks, child feeders, elderly, churches, welfare providers, service clubs, etc. find ways to contact us all for donations.
Most are good, maybe they all are.
However, doubts about giving away our money arise whenever we’re told of embezzlements that take place within these organizations.
How can we be sure our ‘hard earned money? (as politicians like to say whole campaigning) is going to the people who we wish to support?
Of course, we can’t, and that doubt probably isn’t very charitable on my part.
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‘The time to save is now. When a dog gets a bone, he doesn’t go out and make a down payment on a bigger bone. He buries the bone he’s got.? – Will Rogers

So far this fall I’ve got on my little John Deere tractor, snow blade in place, and pushed the snow aside twice.
It wasn’t so long ago I’d complain to myself, bemoaning the task at hand . . . that of clearing the driveway, steps and sidewalk of snow.
Nowadays I’ve come to an understanding with Mother Nature. She provides the need for me to get off my duff, and I look favorably on the task at hand.
It’s great to be at that stage in life when what used to be a chore becomes something to be enthused about, when a previously dreaded obligation turns into a time of enjoyment and when some job you were forced to do can now be looked forward to as a pleasure.
I find myself singing Christmas carols, not out loud, even as a pine tree branch lets go of its snow buildup. Being pain-free and well-rested helps set a mood, but bright snow, colorful birds and an occasional whitetail walking through elevates the feeling.
I feel for the folks who have convinced themselves to hate winter and taken to the south. For me this season is like the song that goes in part: ‘What a glorious time of the year.?
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I don’t believe I’ve used this great quote in 30 years, but I love it: ‘You can have money piled to the ceiling, but the size of your funeral is still going to depend on the weather.?
Here’s a quote from the late Walter Winchell: ‘Hollywood is a place where they shoot too many pictures and not enough actors.?
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‘This country has come to feel the same when Congress is in session as when the baby gets hold of a hammer.?- Will Rogers
At this writing our government has made no decision on our auto makers request for loans. But, at this writing those elected officials in Washington have let us all know how they feel about our auto makers.
Never mind they forced fuel engineering changes on the companies without scientific proof autos were causing even an unusually high percentage of damage to our environment.
Never mind they forced changes in production to vehicles that were both unwanted by the public and unprofitable. The grandstanding electeds spent their time trying to ridicule the biggest names in the auto industry.
‘You flew here in your private jets instead of crawling here, bowing before us and singing our praises. We demand respect! We are your superiors! You are peons, we are kings,? they shouted.
Of course, these DC interviewers are exactly what they showed themselves to be. Arrogant, show offs, tactless, indecent and not very smart.
I was embarrassed by the actions of these representatives of our government for the image they displayed to the rest of the world.
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I think, most of us with telephones are contacted for money by numerous organizations. Police associations, food banks, child feeders, elderly, churches, welfare providers, service clubs, etc. find ways to contact us all for donations.
Most are good, maybe they all are. However, doubts about giving away our money arise whenever we’re told of embezzlements that take place within these organizations.
How can we be sure our ‘hard earned money? (as politicians like to say whole campaigning) is going to the people who we wish to support?
Of course, we can’t, and that doubt probably isn’t very charitable on my part.
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‘The time to save is now. When a dog gets a bone, he doesn’t go out and make a down payment on a bigger bone. He buries the bone he’s got.? – Will Rogers

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