American Pickers is looking for unique collections

American Pickers is looking for unique collections American Pickers, the show that travels the back roads looking for hidden treasures, is heading back to Michigan in September. Mike and Frank of the popular show are on a mission to recycle and rescue forgotten relics, hoping to meet characters with remarkable and exceptional items along the […]

Cruise-In classic car show hits the streets of downtown Lake Orion

Cruise-In classic car show hits the streets of downtown Lake Orion

Proceeds benefit the Lake Orion Police Assoc. youth services programs   By Jim Newell Review Editor Downtown Lake Orion, a beautiful summer day and classic cars will align this year for a perfect day for the Golling Buick GMC annual Cruise-In classic car show on Saturday. And while the good times will roll, the real […]

Pine Tree Road to be resurfaced under $760,000 Tri-Party Program agreement

Travelers on Pine Tree Road are in for a smoother ride after the Road Commission for Oakland County announced plans to resurface the bumpy, pothole-ridden road from Heights Road to Clarkson Road. The tentative start date for the approximately $760,000 project is late July or early August and should be completed by the end of […]

Brown, Watson resign from the village council

Council has 30 days to fill the vacant seats By Susan Carroll Review Writer The Village of Lake Orion held its regular meeting on Monday night at the village hall , but the outcome was anything but regular. During the meeting, the council voted unanimously to accept the mid-term resignations of council members Steve Watson […]

Unknown hound steals signs designed to protect fox family

Unknown hound steals signs designed to protect fox family

By Jim Newell Review Editor Patti Charrette is a self-professed animal lover, so when she saw that a family of foxes had made a den in the ditch along Waldon Road near Waldon Middle School she wanted to warn drivers to slow down and be aware that there were pups in the area. Charette had […]

Duathlon, Seafood Festival come to Lake Orion Aug. 4

The Lake Orion Sunrise Rotary Club hosts a double dose of events on Aug. 4 with the return of the Duathlon in the morning and the 2nd annual Cajun Seafood Festival that afternoon. The Duathlon is a 5-kilometer run, then a 10-kilometer bike ride, topped off with another 5-kilometer run. There’s also a 5k option […]

Fire Dept. to get four new command vehicles

By Jim Newell Review Editor The Orion Township Fire Department is getting four new command vehicles after the board of trustees approved 6-1 the purchase during its meeting on Monday. The total cost of the new cars – four 2019 Ford Police Interceptor Utility vehicles – is $174,112. The fire department requested the township purchase […]