Let’s All Strive To Be Mediocre!

Several high schools throughout the country are now experimenting with eliminating recognition of students with a high GPA. In fact, some schools have curtailed the labeling of a Valedictorian or Salutatorian. The rational is that some students feel intimidated by fellow students who are studious, are educationally driven and strive to be accepted at prestigious […]

‘Taking a knee…’

I’ve been doing it most of my life when I go to church. I plan on keeping taking a knee anytime and anywhere I choose. I take orders from no one. If you want to wrap a flag around yourself and stand, that’s your right. And if the (football) players want to take a knee, […]

LO Freshman football team displays patriotism at game

I would like to share a story with you. About a week-and-a-half ago, I went to watch my grandson, who plays football for the Lake Orion freshman football team, play on the road. Before the game, it was announced that for technical reasons they would not be able to play the national anthem. I looked […]

Poorly maintained medians are an embarrassment to township

As you drive north on Baldwin Road over I-75 it’s easy to observe where the Auburn Hills border ends and the Orion Township one begins. All one needs to do is to look to the neatly mowed and trimmed center medians of Auburn Hills, and the extremely poor ones of Orion. Embarrassing! Can’t wait to […]

On Saying ‘Yes’ to Lake Orion

On Saying ‘Yes’ to Lake Orion

Molly LaLone is the executive director of the Lake Orion Downtown Development Authority. Wow Lake Orion! Can you believe it’s already been a year? A little bit longer than that, truthfully. But, I’d say this is the month I really started to fall for you. This is the month I started to get to know […]

Don’t ask to share my popcorn!

Editor’s Note: This letter is in response to Don Rush’s column, “Icky-poo! Yuckies on grocery carts,” in the Aug. 16, 2017 issue of The Lake Orion Review. To Don Rush of Don’t Rush Me fame: Yes, we are a nation of slobs, pigs, and societal dirt bags and cretins. We have abandoned manners in hygiene. […]

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