Salon’s new owner offers ‘refreshingly friendly? service

As the new owner of Tranquility Salon and Spa in Independence Township, Jesica White offers her clients upscale service in a refreshingly friendly atmosphere’and it shows. White bought Tranquility from its previous owners and, after some much-needed redecorating, opened her doors Feb. 22 ‘Everything in here was white,? she said. ‘The walls, the floor, the […]

Time after time

Four generations of the Hyde family graduated from Clarkston High School. None went to the same building, though. Beth Hyde, class of 2007, goes to the newest high school on Flemings Road. Her father, Steve Hyde, graduated in 1979 from the building now used as Clarkston Junior High School. His mother, Ethelyn (Smith) Hyde, graduated […]

Readers respond to gas

Last week I told you all not to pump and dash — don’t steal gas. I also opined about monster trucks sucking up the supply and driving up costs. So, I figured since I called out the Hummer/Navigator/Escalade drivers, I thought I would be lambasted by them. Like most of my assumptions, I was wrong. […]

Memorial Day; Oh, how we need to remember

I keep seeing a picture in my collection, of a man standing at his wheelchair as uniformed flagbearers pass in a parade. The caption reads, ‘The only one standing is a man at his wheelchair.? The accompanying article reads: It is the VETERAN, not the preacher, who has given us freedom of religion. It is […]

Groveland Township

Synopsis Groveland Township Board May 14, 2007 Call To Order Roll Call: Depalma, Scramlin, Howell, Ax And Mazich. Consent Agenda: Approved Consent Agenda Fire Department Recognition With Plaque Presentation Approved Financial Information: -accounts Payable -financial Reports For The General, Fire, And Building Funds Rescinded Liquor License Resolution For The ‘Up North Grill? Approved Request For […]

Brandon Township

Zoning Board of appeals NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING REGULAR MEETING ADDENDUM The Charter Township of Brandon Zoning Board of Appeals will hold a Public Hearing May 23, 2007 at 7:30 P.M. at Brandon Township Offices, 395 Mill Street, Ortonville, Michigan 48462. To hear the following appeals: 1) Appeal # 007-07 Sidwell # 03-30-201-010 Name: Asghar […]

Springfield Township

SPRINGFIELD TOWNSHIP BOARD MEETING May 10, 2007 SYNOPSIS CALL TO ORDER: 7:30 p.m. by Supervisor Walls PUBLIC COMMENT: CONSENT AGENDA: a) Approved Minutes: April 12, 2007, Regular Meeting with bills and additional disbursements of $376,266.12 b) Accepted April 2007 Treasurer’s Report c) Received April 2007 Reports: Building, Electrical, Plumbing, Mechanical and Fire d) Authorized payment […]

Independence Township

STATE OF MICHIGAN COUNTY OF OAKLAND CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF INDEPENDENCE ORDINANCE NO. 83A-07-03 AMENDMENT TO ORDINANCE GRANTING THE McLAREN HEALTH CARE PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT (Text and Map Amendment to Zoning Ordinance) An Ordinance to Amend Ordinance No. 83, as amended, the Charter Township of Independence Zoning Ordinance, for the purpose of re-classifying certain property situated […]

Springfield Township

NOTICE REQUEST FOR VARIANCES ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Charter Township of Springfield will hold a meeting on Wednesday, June 20, 2007, beginning at 8:00 p.m. at the Springfield Township Civic Center, 12000 Davisburg Rd., Davisburg, Michigan to hear the following appeal: PUBLIC COMMENT: […]

Springfield Township

NOTICE OF ADOPTION AND SUMMARY AMENDMENTS TO ORDINANCE NO. 27 CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF SPRINGFIELD SUBDIVISION CONTROL ORDINANCE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that at a regularly-scheduled meeting held on May 10, 2007, the Township Board of the Charter Township of Springfield adopted amendments in its entirety to Ordinance No. 27 (‘Springfield Township Subdivision Regulations Ordinance?, renamed […]