Cabins to be removed, community can request salvaged wood

Cabins to be removed, community can request salvaged wood

Moceri Companies plans to remove the wood cabins on S. Broadway Street and Heights Road and any Orion area residents who would like salvaged wood can email the company.

The cabins and other structures will be removed within the next 30 days to prepare for the construction of the new Mystic Cove community, part of Moceri’s $90 million investment in Lake Orion, said Emily Moran, vice-president of Near Perfect Media and communications representatives for Moceri Companies in a news update to the Lake Orion Review.

Moceri Companies own cabins 7-17 and will only lead the deconstruction of these units. Moceri has been in close contact with the Village of Lake Orion to ensure all permits will be obtained. Many of the properties are vacant, but any remaining tenants of impacted properties have received notice and information about housing alternatives, the news release stated.

Wood that can be salvaged from the cabins will be available to community members interested in repurposing it. Anyone interested should contact

Moceri Companies previously offered to relocate and donate two of the cabins to the Village of Lake Orion, Lake Orion Historical Society and Orion Township Parks & Recreation, but the offer was declined, according to the update. – J.N.

9 responses to “Cabins to be removed, community can request salvaged wood”

  1. I would a log from one of the cabins to make a shelf to put my parents wedding picture on. That is where they spent their wedding night. Please contact me.

  2. Wish it was 20 individual homes, not a wall of 99 condo’s. Nobody but the developer and the tax man wants compressed living in the community.

  3. (my thoughts)
    @Pat don’t mind the spelling, your total disagree w.m.t.’s and most of the punctuation is out of wack to, BFD but you managed to understand The Quaint Village of Orion will no longer exist in five years, (you sound like you have nickle or two in the pot on this one or you are a “NEWBE” (from?) to the Quaint Village of Orion) Carpetbaggers, BIG MONEY, the Good Old Boys are seeing to that. B.M. tried the same thing before the Pistons bailed out of the Palace and back to GIVE ME TOWN (Detroit) about 10-15 years past and lost their HINNIE wanting one big sale from snug harbor all the way north to Broadway and M-24 (water front property), now they are at it again a slice at a time (4 or 5 projects in the mill but not all are for asking for tax abatement yet. Thouh you totally disagree with MY THOUGHTS, I think you are OUT NUMBERED at this printing about 4 to 1 sorry about that. To J.C. K.R. and Connie Thank you. Whoops, Pat, when did the ”Quaint Village of Orion” BECOME a CITY??? + open chair on Village council.

  4. @Roy, I think you mean “quaint.” And, totally disagree with your thoughts. Sorry Lake Orion is no longer the small summer resort community that you remember. But the rundown remnants of what remain should have been leveled years ago. Happy to see the new development and happy to see the ability for more people to live in the city and also have views and access to the lake.

  5. I agree, don’t need new and more traffic,I can understand people wanting newer houses but just get one thats already in place somewhere.they don’t get the roads done as it is before building new,just my 2 cents

  6. Personally, this destruction of this town will sadly be regretted in the future. I was blessed to grow up in Lake Orion when I did. Goodbye dear friend.

  7. (my thoughts) Will it has started, THE BEGINNING of the of the END of the QUINT VILLAGE of ORION. I will take a picture of the NOW as I have a BEFORE pic before the side walks were installed over a hundred years ago +/-, does anyone out there (Orion) have a picture of Miller’s Midget Market that was directly across M-24 from the cabin’s drive way?? a sad start to a bad ending to the Quint Village of Orion,. the TITANIC was a sad happning but at least they had a BAND.

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