Jim ‘gleanes? a column from Florida for reading enjoyment

A Frank Cerabino column from the Palm Beach, Fla. Post. * * * News item . . . When announcing the phone number for Florida Fungal Meningitis hotline this week, Gov Rick Scott inadvertently gave out the wrong phone number, directing Floridians to call a phone sex hotline to answer their questions. The meningitis outbreak […]

Ford demure in letter; Your Social Security

In March, I traded my mini-van for a Ford Edge. An Edge is a lot shorter than a mini-van. It also has fewer conveniences like a remote to open the back gate. Odd how we can get used to automatic things when we got by for years with manual things. Anyway, a couple things on […]

Ford demure in letter; Your Social Security

In March, I traded my mini-van for a Ford Edge. An Edge is a lot shorter than a mini-van. It also has fewer conveniences like a remote to open the back gate. Odd how we can get used to automatic things when we got by for years with manual things. Anyway, a couple things on […]

The twins, 5, needed a sitter, Mommy called me

I had several hours to think of a reason I couldn’t take care of Haley and Trevor, even for only an hour. Thoughts of the reaction my wife would have had toward me if I didn’t take the challenge erased all excuses. I’d seen them the day before when they wanted to ride my feet […]

Time to delete stuff from my cluttered head

Back in the 1960s, F. Ray Forman owned the Oxford Theater. I guess that gave him the right to censor films. My source is Dick Buechler, who I don’t question on his Oxford Village history. Anyway, Ingrid Bergman was featured in a movie, and was pregnant when the film hit Oxford. Because Ms. Bergman wasn’t […]

Just jotting

It seems to this English-speaking American that automatic answering devices should, by law, be required to say: ‘Touch one for other than English.? Either that or require companies using such requests to do so in person so we can tell them what we think of their service. ? Daughter Susan asked if I wanted to […]

Just jotting

We’re going to ramble all over the map this week.. We all have friends and/or relatives who think Florida is the place to be sometime in winters, if not all the time. The sun alters some of their thinking. Like my friend Nick. He’s going to play golf this morning (Jan 19) starting at 8:30. […]

Just jotting

It seems to this English-speaking American that automatic answering devices should, by law, be required to say: ‘Touch one for other than English.? Either that or require companies using such requests to do so in person so we can tell them what we think of their service. ? Daughter Susan asked if I wanted to […]

2 Topics:

2 Topics: Ballot props and Phyllis Diller Now that I have my absentee voters ballot in hand I can assume a whole bunch of others do, too. Of course I have an opinion on the six constitutional proposals. Only Prop One could veto a present law. The other five all would amend the State Constitution. […]

Some historical words on our Independence Day

The American Creed I believe in the United States of America as a government of the people, by the people and for the people; whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed; a democracy in a republic: a sovereign nation of many sovereign states; a perfect union, one and inseparable; established upon […]

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