Name the hard workers? Golf, news leads same

Of course this is an exaggeration, but every person running for office, promoting new legislation or defending their record, uses this reason: ? . . . for the hard-working people who deserve it!? I’d like to see their definition of ‘hard-working people.? It ain’t me! It’s not the people in my diminishing circle. Nor is […]

Behind good students are involved parents

. . . And with that we have the problem. Now we need to turn our emphasis to a solution. There are on-going campaigns for more money for school facilities, teachers, sports palaces, etc. And while taxpayers have been pretty generous for such things, graduation rates have not soared, and in inner cities the rates […]

‘A penny saved is a Congressional oversight?

Hal Lee Luyah The budget balancing act that goes on in Washington this time of every year would be laughable if it weren’t so serious. Those politician balancing acts would be a sideshow, not allowed in one of the 3 rings. In the first place they say they are going to cut spending to balance […]

Name the hard workers? Golf, news leads same

Of course this is an exaggeration, but every person running for office, promoting new legislation or defending their record, uses this reason: ? . . . for the hard-working people who deserve it!? I’d like to see their definition of ‘hard-working people.? It ain’t me! It’s not the people in my diminishing circle. Nor is […]

If you sprang forward March 10, now you fall

One of our governments (state or US) has us springing our clocks forward in March and falling back in November. This year that was November 3. Why did our leaders get us into this system, and when? I was sure it had something to do with farmers. You know, when to milk a cow, slop […]

Money’s there for techno i-anything gadgets

Our economy is in the toilet! Soup lines are longer than in 1933! Everyone is losing their homes, cars and jobs! There’s no money left for bread and milk! What a bunch of hooey! Apple brought out a new gadget Friday, July 11th. People started lining up for the new iPhone the night before. Lines […]

Do long news stories cause readers to stop?

Newspapers that rely on subscriptions for circulation (which generates advertising dollars) have lost readers for some years now. Dailies have been particularly hard hit, but so have many weeklies. As a person who has had newspaper ink in my blood for 50-plus years, I’ve recently noticed a trend of reporters and editors lengthening their stories. […]

What a great time we’ll have after November 6

After that Tuesday we can heave a sigh of relief, and refocus on the important things on television like commercials for Viagra. I’ve had it up to here with all these commercials for adult activities! I suggest the makers of memory pills replace Viagra on the tube. And I don’t want a Ram or Silverado […]

Money’s there for techno i-anything gadgets

Our economy is in the toilet! Soup lines are longer than in 1933! Everyone is losing their homes, cars and jobs! There’s no money left for bread and milk! What a bunch of hooey! Apple brought out a new gadget Friday, July 11th. People started lining up for the new iPhone the night before. Lines […]

Maybe some could learn from a small Depression

There’s probably more than one way to reduce the flow of garbage into Michigan from Canada, thus saving more flat lands from becoming sledding hills. My off-the-cuff method would be to have a major depression. Oh, sure it would create severe hardships, but environmentalists would love it. There would be no more space takers in […]

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