Doubling up: 2 favorite topics in one column

Doubling up: 2 favorite topics in one column Bacon ‘n Shayna! If you’re not interested in either of these subjects perhaps you will tune in next week when I try to explain the origin of the universe, how automobile companies know how to build cars that get 1,000 miles per fill up (but won’t manufacture […]

Jim’s Jottings

‘Act enthusiastic and you’ll be enthusiastic? is the motto and teaching of Dale Carnegie programs. This is most often used in reference to selling. Change it just a bit and it becomes a teaching of life: ‘Act and talk positive and you’ll become more positive.? That’s my thought for this column. Today, I’m totally fed […]

It’s not doom and gloom, it’s anger of politicians

It’s not doom and gloom, it’s anger of politicians As person who sits down once a week to write a newspaper column, let me tell you it is very difficult this week to have positive thoughts. I’m facing a blank computer screen and all I think of are those incompetents in Washington, DC. On another […]

Jim’s Jottings

As person who sits down once a week to write a newspaper column, let me tell you it is very difficult this week to have positive thoughts. I’m facing a blank computer screen and all I think of are those incompetents in Washington, DC. On another day, I’d include Lansing, since we’re in the fourth […]

Finally, maybe khaki is out in men’s fashions

About a month ago I read, heard or smelled that bright colors were ‘in? for men this Spring. So, I immediately bought a yellow, short sleeve shirt. If I have a favorite color it’s yellow. Mommy’s influence. In the good ol? days of golf, wild colors were the rule on the links. Plaid slacks or […]

Lobbyists getting bad rap from candidates

According to Obama, McCain’s advisers are &#@*% lobbyists. According to McCain, Obama’s advisers are &%^$# lobbyists. Lobbyists are like &%$@# politicians pushing products and ideas for the sole purpose of getting reelected. In that way the two are alike. We can bad mouth both, and we can thank both. Lobbyists are the best informed people […]

Jim’s Jottings

According to Obama, McCain’s advisers are &#@*% lobbyists. According to McCain, Obama’s advisers are &%^$# lobbyists. Lobbyists are like &%$@# politicians pushing products and ideas for the sole purpose of getting reelected. In that way the two are alike. We can bad mouth both, and we can thank both. Lobbyists are the best informed people […]

Jumpin? Jottin’s

Does your train of thought have a caboose? Don’t you think talk radio has way too much talk? I missed the National Hockey League. Did I sleep through it?? Enough with the questions. Here’s a favorite license plate: PB4WEGO. We’re into the golf season, and here’s a golf- ing definition John Patrell would like you […]

Advice: when fear comes stop, wait and let it be

Prior to my undergoing back surgery some years ago, a body scan was ordered by the surgeon. That meant lying down and being shoved into a tube. As the nurses started to insert me, I panicked. I have claustrophobia and no way was I going to allow them to engulf me in that machine. The […]

Jim’s Jottings

Prior to my undergoing back surgery some years ago, a body scan was ordered by the surgeon. That meant lying down and being shoved into a tube. As the nurses started to insert me, I panicked. I have claustrophobia and no way was I going to allow them to engulf me in that machine. The […]

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