Floatin? down the river of de-Nile, makin? folks smile

About 50 years ago we were taking our daughter Susan and her friend Laurie Davidson to our place in the Upper P. I thought they needed some entertainment, so I started singing, ‘Around the corner and under the tree, a fair young maiden waited there for me. ‘She kissed me once, she kissed me twice. […]

Praises and complaints to start the new year

We tv news watchers all have our favorite deliverers. Oh, they change through the years as retirements, etc. take their toll. I’ve gone from Edward R. Morrow to Paul Harvey to Walter Cronkite to Dan Rather, etc. Then I ran across Brit Hume. He’d been covering national politics a long time before he showed up […]

Doctors, politicians and smart aleck kids

During my months of rehab from my hip surgery in February, I saw a few doctors. We chatted a few times until I heard two of them tell me they don’t read newspapers. Neither of them watch news on television either. They use the tv to view old movies and reruns. Personally, I watch tv […]

Jim returns with tales of today and yesteryear!

Editor’s Note: This week we celebrate the return of Jim’s Jottings after much too long of an absence from our pages. However, we should note Mr. Sherman’s column will not be a weekly page 7 feature as before. Instead, he will write them whenever inspiration strikes. Enjoy. Prior to February 26, 2013, I had some […]

Some ‘sports? are ruining sport watching

Will Rogers said, ‘Get someone else to blow our horn and the sound will carry twice as far.? I watch a lot of sports on television. The majors, baseball, football and basketball get most of my sports viewing time. Please note I wrote ‘viewing? time. None of them get much of my listening time. The […]

From plowing snow to bashing government

So far this fall I’ve got on my little John Deere tractor, snow blade in place, and pushed the snow aside twice. It wasn’t so long ago I’d complain to myself, bemoaning the task at hand . . . that of clearing the driveway, steps and sidewalk of snow. Nowadays I’ve come to an understanding […]

You have favorite singer? I have comedians

The other day, a 30-something guy asked me who, in my younger days, were my favorite singers. I tried to come up with names. Hazel loved Perry Como. I didn’t have a favorite singer, but I could name lots of comedians. I have a picture of Red Skelton hanging in front of me right now. […]

Same ‘Day,? only characters change

Thanksgiving Day – The only family ‘day? we had in my growing up years. Our father didn’t observe Christmas and made it a point to book his railroad job every December 25. But we feasted on Thanksgiving. Usually, we had goose. Dad liked goose, probably because more it had dark meat. He made the dressing. […]

Jim’s Jottings

Thanksgiving Day – The only family ‘day? we had in my growing up years. Our father didn’t observe Christmas and made it a point to book his railroad job every December 25. But we feasted on Thanksgiving. Usually, we had goose. Dad liked goose, probably because more it had dark meat. He made the dressing. […]

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