Just Jottings About Goals

Wouldn’t it be great if the superintendent, excuse me, committee, would release statements that don’t leave voters questioning? like: ‘developmentally appropriate learning communities? as in goal 6. That’s like, ‘Wow! Ain’t that somethin?? Did you try to read his, er, their, 11 goals? Goal 1: To graduate students who are prepared for ever-changing world opportunities […]

Ready, set, jump – from subject to subject

I started a conversation with a lady who was loading dog food into her car. She said she was on her way to Coldwater to pick up her new dog. She said it was being trained at a prison camp. That struck me as being a pretty good idea, so I inquired about this activity […]

The pessimist, the optimist and a Kalohn

I think it was the mid-70’s when I first learned there was a Pete Kalohn. He cooked and talked in his father’s restaurant in Lake Orion, Gus? Steak House until he opened his own Restaurant, Pete’s Roadhaus in Lake Orion. During all these years his only attempt at silence was when he swallowed. He’s an […]

Tired of hearing nothing but bad news. Call Wally

Most of the news these days, written or spoken, is negative. Seems bad news sells, and we don’t take the time to weed out the good news. It’s at times like this we all need an optimistic friend. Not just a person, like me, who tries to lighten the atmosphere with cynical comments. I’m thinking […]

Merry Christmas From The Grandkids!

When we first started this Jim’s Jottings holiday tradition, the two grandchildren Dan and Karen Offer (below) were small enough to fit on my knees. It was 1988. Dan was 3-years-old and Karen was four-months-old. In that first picture, Karen had no hair, I had more and I still wore a suit and tie to […]

Thus began my mistrusts . . . and other thoughts

I surely wonder about where we’re headed under Obama’s leadership. Russia’s Putin told the world, ‘Obama’s a liar.? Obama used the words ‘crossed the red line? in a speech to us a year ago. Recently he said, ‘I didn’t say that, they did.? Lie and deny is a habit of our leader. – – – […]

Highlighting what this Jottings is: Nonsense

According to one reader Lapeer, all my Jottings columns are nonsense. I have a file labeled ‘nonsense.? This writing comes from that file: ? Snowmobiling is a great way to get away from people yelling, ‘Fore!? ? Lexus automobile advertising is very open in who their customers can be. ‘Lexus: Leases for the well qualified!? […]

Of Noah, healthcare, beans and the gridiron

‘Why couldn’t they play cards on the ark?? ‘Because Noah stood on the deck.? – – – o – – – I hear there’s a clause in Obamacare that makes doctors sterilize needles before giving a lethal injection. Cost: $15 million. Economists have forecast nine out of the last five recessions. It ain’t my fault […]

Here, Shayna! No, come and find me, Master!

Sunday, February 9 was a gorgeous day, cloudless and sun-filled. The hint of spring after a series of bitterly cold, snow driven days. Visiting daughter Susan about noon, I learned her dog, Amber, had taken advantage of the weather and wandered away. Susan found her walking a sidewalk a quarter mile away. It was late […]

Redefining ‘ethics,? but understanding ‘change?

Redefining ‘ethics,? but understanding ‘change? Sorry Jottings readers, but I’m impelled to get into the presidential appointing process that’s nearing its 30th day. We all know about Hillary’s background, which hardly qualifies her for what we’ve always thought is our negotiator to the world, but we’ve made excuses for her. Then came President Obama’s nominee […]

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