Humor, greenies and disappearing things

You’ve gotta love some business owners? sense of humor. Especially when they display it very publicly on signs, bumper stickers and the like. At tire shop in Milwaukee: ‘Invite us in for your next blowout.? Outside a muffler shop: ‘No appointment necessary. We hear you coming.? Sign on the back of a septic tank truck: […]

Jottings on ‘roos, reporters and peaches

? It lightens my day just seeing a bunch of kangaroos bouncing across a desert in some commercial. To the geniuses behind the ‘roo marketing: Trouble is, I don’t remember what they are advertising. Sorry about that. (No, I am not) ? Print media news writers? questions often become space fillers. But, they can be […]

Liberalism evident at Madame Tussaud museum

This quote is from P. J. O’Rourke, a conservative with a sense of humor: I like to do my principal research in bars, where people are more likely to tell the truth or, at least, lie less convincingly than they do in briefings and books. Now to my point this week. April 9 the metro […]

Things that matter and thoughts to ponder

I was roasted April 12 to the extent the meat thermometer stuck into me, burst its bulb, and my skin turned a dark shade of crust. I felt a deep concern for the people who orally expressed cruelty toward me that would make a water-boarder envious. Following each stabbing there was laughing approval for both […]

Just clownin’ around

People who know me come in through our attached garage, rap hard on the door and wait for me to yell, “C’mon in!” Recently the person who came in was a clown. He lives on Big Fish Lake, near Ortonville. That’s the same lake son Jim and his wife Linda live on. Everybody knows everybody […]

Leaky tanks, politics and unnatural eggs

Leaky tanks. I’ve mentioned before that I’m a news junky. I read and hear lots of messages from Washington and Lansing. I sit a little straighter when one of our boys and girls say something that had crossed my mind from time to time. I’m particularly attentive when the topic is cutting expenses. Where are […]

Shayna bites, news bytes and Jottings gripes

For a recent evening meal I grilled two steaks, one for that dinner and one to slice up for breakfast. The trouble with that scenario is Shayna sits by the grill looking, sniffing and trying to tell me if I give her just one taste, she will forgive all my meanness. Not getting a bite […]

A nation founded by geniuses, run by idiots?

A long time ago, in my early newspapering days, I took an interest in Senator Everett Dirksen of Illinois. He was minority leader of the US Senate. His low voice and slow delivery speeches were like magnets to me. Too many politicians today speak fast, double talk, over talk and otherwise seem to have a […]

A box of cereal doesn’t need a sprig of parsley

Why do all the hour-long news shows feel they have to have a segment on cooking? Maybe only the Fox News Channel does it, but all the other channels are liberal, and I ain’t so sure maybe they aren’t (doing cooking shows). But I do have opinions about cooking shows, and here are a couple […]

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