Dowsers have history of pointing the way

I predict this Jottings will compete for the most boring of the thounsands of columns I have written. (But, because it involves my brother-in-law, Ronald Smith of Durand, I feel compelled to write it.) Way back in the late 1940s, Ron and his wife Ethel, had a well drilling business. To find where to dig […]

Hang on, here we go into the land of wonder

1,000 people die each year from flu vaccinations. 20,000 people die each year from the flu. Now comes a flu named after a pig, then changed so as not to offend swine; 100 have died from it, but it got our attention away from depressions, war and global warming. One (me) can only wonder why […]

CCES can figure your household emissions

CCES can figure your household emissions I want to revisit the carbon credit program I mentioned in last week’s Jottings. In case you missed it, I wrote that the Hiawatha Sportsmans Club I belong to got $250,000 for selling carbon credits. The purchaser, and even you, can buy carbon credits through the Carbon Credit Environmental […]

Philosophy of Will Rogers vs. Ph.Ds?

When Pero the Shriner clown visited me recently, he gave me a book, ‘The Quotable Will Rogers.? You almost have to be my age to remember Will Rogers. Dubbed the cowboy philosopher, he was an entertainer, humorist, radio personality, actor and newspaper columnists who specialized in lariat tricks on stage. Here are three of his […]

Remembering Memorial Day!

Memorial Day (Decoration Day) is by tradition a practice to honor Americans who gave their lives for their country. With all the wars our country has been involved in, that’s a whole lot of Americans to honor. I haven’t missed many Memorial Day celebrations during my 59 years of small town (Michigan) newspapering. Let me […]

CCES can figure your household emissions

I want to revisit the carbon credit program I mentioned in last week’s Jottings. In case you missed it, I wrote that the Hiawatha Sportsmans Club I belong to got $250,000 for selling carbon credits. The purchaser, and even you, can buy carbon credits through the Carbon Credit Environmental Services (CCES) in Detroit. That could […]

Hang on, here we go into the land of wonder

1,000 people die each year from flu vaccinations. 20,000 people die each year from the flu. Now comes a flu named after a pig, then changed so as not to offend swine; 100 have died from it, but it got our attention away from depressions, war and global warming. One (me) can only wonder why […]

Catching a few fish can lift some spirits

I’m sure I’ve missed opening Michigan’s trout fishing season, but I can’t remember it. It’s been a ritual, a habit and magnet to the north. Every year the anticipation of the opening erased the memories of numerous openers when the clever fish have eluded my lures. Of course, fishing, like deer hunting, is more about […]

Ford, General Motors, et al

Car builders like General Motors, Ford, Chrysler (excuse me Fiat) and Toyota should have their advertising staffs study Victosa and other pharmaceutical company advertising. As you know, they often include warnings. At the end of the drug commercials somebody talking a million words a minute puts forth disclaimers like, ‘Don’t take this if you are […]

Pot and roasts (but not potroast)

Recently, at the Oxford Rotary Club’s charity roast of me, I gave up my self respect and at the same time lost a lot of respect I had for the roasters. Something happens to these normally normal people when they agree to participate in a roast. They suddenly turn bitter. They rejoice in insulting the […]

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