Follow the sounds, and remember Horace

Our exposure to politicians is almost suffocating. There is a lot of braying around and there will be more of them trumpeting from the other side of the political fence. Which reminds me of an old joke concerning a mule named Horace. Horace belonged to Mrs. Wood. One evening she called the vet to report […]

Screw work, play golf ? but read this first

Let’s get started this week with some light stuff. ? The only ones who remember you when you come in 2nd is your wife and your dog. ? The one-armed man only shopped at secondhand stores. OK: let’s go. In 1923, who was: 1. President of the largest steel company? 2. President of the largest […]

Covering all the bases

The rapid increase in ‘cold? calls has increased the ‘heat? in my blood cells. These calls must have turned off listeners to the point of having lost their effectiveness (if they even any to begin with). The final straw for me came Sunday evening at 7 p.m. when a surveyor asked, “Is James there?” No […]

A column about nothing

It’s June 28, Sunday and too hot to get serious. So, ramble on. What does a grandfather do when he can’t find something after his 9-year-old grandchildren have left? The same thing his father did. Blame the kids. Shayna pesters me in the morning until I take her restricting collar off. Usually, I’m seated somewhere. […]

A lot of be glad about until I got addicted to TV news

I’m glad I got to live those first 87 years of my life. When I break them down to periods, there are some that really stand out. Like those early one-room school times of total innocence; then a 10-year span of war and illness, that got me to some really great married years. Growing the […]

A column about nothing

It’s June 28, Sunday and too hot to get serious. So, ramble on. What does a grandfather do when he can’t find something after his 9-year-old grandchildren have left? The same thing his father did. Blame the kids. Shayna pesters me in the morning until I take her restricting collar off. Usually, I’m seated somewhere. […]

I got some Ramblin? JJ’s for you

Here’s a question my middle child wants answered: ‘Why do deer and ground hogs in my yard eat my plantings (flowers, small bushes), but don’t eat the new growths each year in the perennial growing areas?? I don’t get texts nor emails, so try the mail with your answers (PO Box 108, Oxford, MI 48371). […]

I don’t just look stupid, I live for it

Phool. Fool. Phuul. No matter how you spell it, there’s still no fool like an old fool. Rearrange yourself while I tell you just one of my foolish experiences. Some weeds at the office needed their growth stopped. I measured off six ounces of RoundUp in the provided cup, took the sprayer to the hose […]

What has President Obama done for America?

On what track is Obama’s plans for America? Or perhaps he has none. He’s certainly ignored, or lied again, of his promise of transparency in Washington, DC. Seems his lying, such as ‘You can keep your doctor,? is his policy on all matters. I’ve lived a long time, and witnessed extreme declines in faith in […]

Give me green paint, and I give you the Jolly Green Giant!

Tis the season for re-runs, and I’d like you to follow a hair pulling Jottings runner from 1966. * * * Several weeks ago, Hazel and I were in a group that attended the Orion Council of Knights of Columbus dance. Midst the fun and merriment of this conventional dance it was agreed that we […]

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