Continuing summer’s mindless monotony

Continuing summer’s mindless monotony But first . . . Once in a while (seldom, really) a politician comes along who has a voice and delivery that makes one want to listen. Such a man was Senator Everett Driksen of Illinois. He’s been gone several years now, but I kept this quote because it was so […]

Some good old news — Thank you Old Farmers Almanac!

A long time ago publishers of The Old Farmer’s Almanac had The Oxford Leader on its mailing list. Which means each year, I got a free copy. I don’t know why they quit, and I don’t know why I didn’t start buying it at the local drug store. Daughter Luan brought me the 2015 Old […]

Continuing summer’s mindless monotony

But first . . . Once in a while (seldom, really) a politician comes along who has a voice and delivery that makes one want to listen. Such a man was Senator Everett Dirksen of Illinois. He’s been gone several years now, but I kept this quote because it was so well-spoken and so political. […]

JAS jots about abbreviations, politicians

The media, politicians, medical interests — in fact the whole world — is taken up with abbreviations. They’re like those hand-held gadgeteers who brag, ‘I’ve got an app for that.? Sitting here in front of my screen, I came up with my own abbreviation. FFOC Fastest Finger On Clicker. There’s more and more stuff that […]

jim’s jottings

? My current advice: ‘Believe their actions, not their words.? ? Baseball is called both America’s pastime and America’s game. At the All Star game recently the lead off hitter was Japanese. What a country! ? With little else to do and time to do it, I decided to test my chewing time vs. ma’dog […]

Chewing, time, pranks and politicians

? My current advice: ‘Believe their actions, not their words.? ? Baseball is called both America’s pastime and America’s game. At the All Star game recently the lead off hitter was Japanese. What a country! ? With little else to do and time to do it, I decided to test my chewing time vs. ma’dog […]

Hooray! White belts are making a comeback

Somewhere back in time the makers of black and brown belts concluded they had to do something about the popularity of white belts. They decided to attack the white belt makers with a fashion lie: ‘White belts should be worn only from Memorial Day to Labor Day.? And, it caught on. You know, just like […]

Memories of country kids and country schooling

Both Hazel and I were raised as country kids. Hazel was raised on a farm in Shiawassee County. My folks moved every two years to farms west of Durand, where Dad worked on the railroad. But we never had Durand as a hometown The reason: Durand was the second largest railroad center in Michigan, which […]

Jim’s Jottings

Somewhere back in time the makers of black and brown belts concluded they had to do something about the popularity of white belts. They decided to attack the white belt makers with a fashion lie: ‘White belts should be worn only from Memorial Day to Labor Day.? And, it caught on. You know, just like […]

More time for national focus in retirement

I’ve been a publisher of four Oakland County community weekly newspapers for a few decades. As such, I’ve devoted years of my life to happenings in these communities. However, I, and our readers, like to stay somewhat informed of happenings throughout Michigan, the United States and the world. To divert my thinking from what’s going […]

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