Wanting to go to work vs having to go to work

It is so much easier on a person when they do something they want to do versus being told they have to. Attitudes are more refreshing, smiles come quicker, life itself is more pleasant and complaints fewer. I don’t recall a time when I fought going to work. When I worked for someone else or […]

Dick & Jane, Tom & Di, and whatever

This is a true story, and that is not to say all my other writings have not been true. This is about a married couple, old enough to be grandparents, but not yet on social security. Names used may not necessarily be theirs. This is called ‘protecting my butt.? The male, Tom, has been suffering […]

Jim’s Jottings: A column by Jim Sherman

I believe only Christmas gets more buildup than Labor Day. Back-to-school brings retailers to the fore, just like Santa Claus. However, Labor Day is more of an ending, as in summer’s over, kids have new sitters, footballs are being flung and political rhetoric becomes as welcome as a breeze from a pig farm. But, my […]

Dawn is getting darker, only a minute a day

I believe only Christmas gets more buildup than Labor Day. Back-to-school brings retailers to the fore, just like Santa Claus. However, Labor Day is more of an ending, as in summer’s over, kids have new sitters, footballs are being flung and political rhetoric becomes as welcome as a breeze from a pig farm. But, my […]

Think positive to elude state’s economic future

A couple Oakland County commissioners have told me about the financial wizard in this county’s government. They credit him with keeping Oakland County in black figures, something not that familiar to other counties, though a balanced budget is required by law. So, when Commissioner Brad Jacobsen gave me a flier inviting me to Rochester to […]

The first liar doesn’t have a chance and more

Had lunch recently with longtime friend and fellow senior. As often happens with we generationalists, the topic quickly went to the economy. Pete started it with, ‘These people today don’t know what a recession is. I stood on a stool washing dishes in my dad’s diner in Pontiac at age six and left that stool […]

Relief stations ain’t what they used to be

We open presents so fast on Christmas we seldom look to see who the presenter is. That’s why I don’t know who gave me the book, ‘Nature Calls: The history, Love and Charm of Outhouses.? What a great remembrance gift for those of us who made that daily trip through rain and snow and dark […]

Every poll has a purpose, and nobody asked me

I took a poll, an unscientific poll, with predictable results because I made up the questions. Questions asked in polls, I believe, are made up to direct the answerer to respond in ways assuring the questioner’s sponsors get the percentages they are paying for or expect. My poll has no sponsors. It was taken in […]

Comments on comments by commentators

Comments on comments by commentators . . . . . .Well, not just audio commentators, some are print types. First, Susan Tompor’s advice for those with debt anxiety. She’s a Detroit Free Press business writer. ? Own stock in companies that do business overseas. (That tells us what she thinks of our in-country business climate.) […]

Jim’s Jottings

Hey, even Jim “Steady Eddy” Sherman, Sr., needs a break once in a while. His column returns next week! Be there, aloha!

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