Dancing was, was, so much fun, until…

My two-years older sister, Barbara, taught me to dance when I was about 15. We lived in Morrice, a town of about 450 people, 14 miles south of Owosso — the biggest town in Shiawassee County, with 14,000 residents. There were just four boys in our class of nine. I don’t think any of them […]

Time.com takes flatulence over Henry Ford’s T

Time.com takes flatulence over Henry Ford’s T Time magazine has come out with a list of ?50 Worst Cars of All Time.? We expected to see the Pinto, Edsel and Corvair, but never the Model T. But Los Angeles Times car critic (basher) Dan Neil included the Model T on his list. He wrote: ‘A […]

Rambling prose goes with jottin? Jottings

If you believe what you read, especially here, retirement communities are making plans to change their ways. A Time magazine article by Joel Stein opines, such senior living places have two choices: separate spaces, or build surroundings for retiring boomers or super-olds. Stein wrote, ‘Boomers who started turning 65 last year, are moving into retirement […]

I missed being son Jim’s age

(Here’s a Re-run of this Jim’s Jottings which first appeared in print on June 14, 1973.) I sometimes feel like I was cheated out of being 18-and 19-years-old. This feeling is especially prevalent now that our son is nearing 19. It’s not that I want to be 18 or 19 again, someone might start another […]

The mind is boggled, and so are many facts

I don’t just sit around doing nothing, you know. I busy myself looking for the insignificant like, ‘How many brushings can we expect from a tube of toothpaste?? I now have the answer. But first the rules. This is a six oz. (170g) tube. I alternated using a regular toothbrush (given by my dentist) and […]

I think ma? dog Shayna lied to me

I think ma? dog Shayna lied to me I couldn’t eat all the Fettuccini Alfredo with chicken I was served at 24th St. Tavern in downtown Oxford, so I took the balance home to ma’dog Shayna. Other than adding a color variation, I have no idea why anyone would put pieces of broccoli in anything, […]

Our Leader headline: World ending this season

Our Leader headline: World ending this season That was the prediction of Professor Pay Astrologer and seer from France as reported in The Oxford Leader in 1928. ‘A tremendous noise will be heard, huge numbers will die all over the globe, North and South America will suffer most, the Pope will be assassinated, few people […]

Flash! Michigan ready to take job applications

The sales tax on certain services adopted by Michigan could expand the government to the point where thousands of jobs may be created. The Michigan Chamber of Commerce so suspects. My own suspicions have the same conclusion. Reason? When the state goes about hitting dating, porter, phrenology and courier services they will have to enlarge […]

A gift of friendship is such a precious thing

It is probably a good thing we don’t use logic in picking our friends. Were that the case, Jim Fitzgerald and I never would have become good friends. He was Catholic, I Methodist. He was a liberal Democrat, I a conservative Republican. He was from the city of Port Huron, I’m a boy from Vernon. […]

2012, Leap Year, time to check the Almanac

It’s the 184th edition of the Old Fanner’s Almanac, which is now Blum’s Farmer’s and Planter’s Almanac. It reads, ‘Surprise!? 2012 is a presidential election year. These elections are always held on the Tuesday between November 2 and November 8. This year’s is November 6. If you are superstitious about a Friday the 13th being […]

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