By Megan Kelley Review Writer The school board meeting on Oct 10 was relatively short compared to the last few meetings, but it showcased something that has been lacking during these months leading up to the election — love. Outside of the normal housekeeping items, the board heard a presentation from a group from Lake […]
By Jim Newell Review Editor A little shopping, a lot of socializing, heaps of money raised for charity. The ladies flocked to downtown Lake Orion on Thursday for the Babes on Broadway shopping extravaganza, touring local businesses and restaurants and raising $5,000 for Grace Centers of Hope. Simply Marcella’s, a ladies’ fashion boutique on Broadway […]
For the past month-and-a-half, many have sparred with each other on this LOCS proposal; only addressing finances. This is absolutely understandable. However, it has come to my attention that no one has thought of the practicalities. Let’s take the biggest project on the list: reconstructing Blanche-Sims. I assume/suggest this project be done during summer break. […]
The Bond Proposal must pass because it will give the school district a chance to catch up to where the competing school districts are. Currently Lake Orion High School’s technology is more outdated than all the districts that surround us. As a student of the high school, when it rains the building leaks and they […]
The Lake Orion Community Schools Bond Proposal is critical to all residents of the community. This Bond Proposal not only helps our schools, it helps the entire community and every property owner. If this bond fails, we will see a decline in our schools and our property values. It is a fact that higher functioning […]
Lake Orion Community Schools proudly produces a product that is top-six in the county and among the best in the country. This product is in-demand locally, nationally and globally. This product has even flown in space! The product is our proud and skillful students. Our school district leadership earns unblemished annual audits and top ratings […]
If Lake Orion wants a Marijuana facility, why don’t they take care of our school debt. I am voting No on all proposals. More homes are being built in our area, they contribute more taxes. I believe our government has been wasting precious tax payers dollars. Think before you spend. Homeowner for 44 years. We […]
Dear Editor: Here is what I know to be true: • Lake Orion Community Schools is an outstanding school district. • It is our responsibility to support our amazing school district. • Our community has not passed a bond since 2002. • The needs from two failed bonds (in 2011 and 2013) have not gone […]
On Nov. 6, Lake Orion residents will vote on a bond proposal that will have significant impact on the future of our community. As a parent who has two children attending Lake Orion schools, I recognize that now more than ever our community finds itself facing one of the most important decisions that our school […]
I am both saddened and angered by the deceptive tactics the Lake Orion Schools administration and board have taken to sell their bond request. The bond issue is $160 million and, coupled with the associated bond interest ($80.3 million) and loan interest from the SLRF ($10.3 million), the total amount to be repaid is $ […]