The Lake Orion High School Leadership Development Workshop students organized a class competition Activities Night on Sunday evening after the Homecoming Parade. Seniors, juniors, sophomores and freshmen formed teams and competed in class games such as blindfolded musical chairs, tug of war, relay race, balloon stomp, a scavenger hunt and more. The senior won (legitimately) […]
VILLAGE OF LAKE ORION PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE TO USERS OF LAKE ORION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: that beginning the week of October 25th 2021, the level of Lake Orion will be slowly lowered about one (1’) foot to reach the normal low water mark for Winter. Lowering will not flood Paint Creek and the lowering […]
NOTICE CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF ORION PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO ORD. 78 PC-2021-71, F & D SILVERBELL REZONE REQUEST The Charter Township of Orion Board of Trustees, at the regular meeting of Monday, November 15, 2021, to be held at 7:00 p.m., at the Orion Center, 1335 Joslyn Rd, Lake Orion, Michigan 48360, proposes to adopt a […]
NOTICE CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF ORION PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO ORD. 78 PC-2021-70, GRANDVIEW 3120 S. LAPEER RD. REZONE REQUEST The Charter Township of Orion Board of Trustees, at the regular meeting of Monday, November 15, 2021, to be held at 7:00 p.m., at the Orion Center, 1335 Joslyn Rd, Lake Orion, Michigan 48360, proposes to adopt […]
CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF ORION BOARD OF TRUSTEES SYNOPSIS, REGULAR MEETING MONDAY, OCTOBER 18, 2021 Called meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. All Members present. Invocation given by Pastor Josh Yates All rose for Pledge of Allegiance. Supervisor Chris Barnett honored Becca Smither as citizen of the month for her hard work and dedication to Orion […]
NOTICE CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF ORION ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE 139-1 AMENDMENT TO ORDINANCE NO. 139 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT AND SOIL EROSION & SEDIMENTATION CONTROL ORDINANCE EFFECTIVE NOVEMBER 1, 2021 The Charter Township of Orion Board of Trustees, at the regular meeting of Monday, October 18, 2021, held at 7:00 p.m., at the Orion Community Center, 1335 Joslyn […]
NOTICE CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF ORION ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE 154-2 AMENDMENT TO ORDINANCE NO. 154 LICENSED MARIHUANA FACILITIES The Charter Township of Orion Board of Trustees, at the regular meeting of Monday, October 4, 2021, held at 7:00 p.m., at the Orion Community Center, 1335 Joslyn Rd., Lake Orion, Michigan 48360, adopted an Ordinance to provide […]
VILLAGE OF LAKE ORION PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS THURSDAY, October 28, 2021 The Village of Lake Orion Board of Zoning Appeals will hold a Public Hearing on Appeal No. A-21-04 at the Lake Orion Village Hall, 21 E. Church Street, Lake Orion, MI 48362, on Thursday, October 28, 2021 at 7:30 PM […]
ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Project: Lake Orion Community Schools Description: 2018 Bond Program – Stadium Drive Elementary Phase 2 Renovations Architect: GMBae 85 E. Eighth St., Suite 200, Holland, MI 49423 Construction Manager: Frank Rewold and Sons Inc. (FRS) 303 E. Third St., Suite 300, Rochester, MI 48307 Estimator: Kurt Ryder (248) 601-1226 Questions addressed […]
VILLAGE OF LAKE ORION OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE VILLAGE COUNCIL MONDAY, OCTOBER 25, 2021 @ 7:30 PM PROPOSED PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT (PUD) PRELIMINARY PLAN A Public Hearing will be held by the Village of Lake Orion Village Council on Monday, October 25, 2021, at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers located at Village […]