A column about nothing

It’s June 28, Sunday and too hot to get serious. So, ramble on.
What does a grandfather do when he can’t find something after his 9-year-old grandchildren have left?
The same thing his father did. Blame the kids. Shayna pesters me in the morning until I take her restricting collar off. Usually, I’m seated somewhere. Then I drop the collar on the floor until I finish what I’m doing.
When it was time to put the signalling collar back on, I couldn’t find it. After numerous searches I offered a reward to the twins if they could find that collar. Failing in the search, they suggested Shayna buried the collar, but still gave me that ‘I still deserve a reward for trying? look. They got it.
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After the tragic train crash in D.C. the spokeswoman told us what happened. One train rammed another, at great speed, putting the engine inside the car it hit. Describing the killing crash, the spokeswoman said, ‘The space was compromised!?
That’s the way some of the politicians describe a depression. ‘The factory jobs have been compromised.?
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I’ve rediscovered how delicious a spoon of peanut butter dipped in Miracle Whip is. One other food item.
I think we can pretty much all agree pork and beef have different tastes and textures. That is, pork and beef most people are used to; chops, steaks, etc.
However, I was given a pig heart and tongue recently, and on a planned, private day, I put that duo in a slow cooker with a little water and salt and drooled at the prospects.
Naturally, some of the attached stuff didn’t have eye appeal, but things look differently to Shayna. She loved the morsels and longed for more.
So, I soaked her dry food in juices and watched her enjoy her treat.
But, my point in this section is to tell you pork heart and tongue taste the same as beef heart and tongue. Heart meat is solid, tough. Tongue is as tender as your mother’s heart and delicious.
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Michigan Lottery officials leave no doubt of their intended audience with their commercials for a game called ‘Jack.? Seniors have always been the advertising targets, casinos are full of them, but Jack ads magnify their goal by featuring close-ups of a great looking, excited gray haired lady yelling, ‘Jack, Jack, Jack!?
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Being a hunter, fisherman and fly and mosquito killer, I’m hardly in agreement with the goals of PETA.
Recently the ‘People for Ethical Treatment of Animals? took President Obama to task for killing a fly while being interviewed on live television.
Just before, the President told us that building crossings over or under our highways for turtles was a worthwhile stimulus project.
Which is it, Mr. President? You can’t have it both ways. Well, maybe a politician can.
PETA wants every living thing to live forever. Do members just let a mosquito suck their life extending blood through the their skin?
Do they just watch the belly-filled mosquito fly away with a, ‘Have a good life, dear friend? salutation?
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Have you noticed how much more often the word ‘transparency? is being used since that became a promise of this administration?
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I don’t ever read columns full of questions, yet I just wrote one. Just being transparent.

It’s June 28, Sunday and too hot to get serious. So, ramble on.
What does a grandfather do when he can’t find something after his 9-year-old grandchildren have left?
The same thing his father did. Blame the kids. Shayna pesters me in the morning until I take her restricting collar off. Usually, I’m seated somewhere. Then I drop the collar on the floor until I finish what I’m doing.
When it was time to put the signalling collar back on, I couldn’t find it. After numerous searches I offered a reward to the twins if they could find that collar. Failing in the search, they suggested Shayna buried the collar, but still gave me that ‘I still deserve a reward for trying? look. They got it.
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After the tragic train crash in D.C. the spokeswoman told us what happened. One train rammed another, at great speed, putting the engine inside the car it hit. Describing the killing crash, the spokeswoman said, ‘The space was compromised!?
That’s the way some of the politicians describe a depression. ‘The factory jobs have been compromised.?
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I’ve rediscovered how delicious a spoon of peanut butter dipped in Miracle Whip is. One other food item.
I think we can pretty much all agree pork and beef have different tastes and textures. That is, pork and beef most people are used to; chops, steaks, etc.
However, I was given a pig heart and tongue recently, and on a planned, private day, I put that duo in a slow cooker with a little water and salt and drooled at the prospects.
Naturally, some of the attached stuff didn’t have eye appeal, but things look differently to Shayna. She loved the morsels and longed for more.
So, I soaked her dry food in juices and watched her enjoy her treat.
But, my point in this section is to tell you pork heart and tongue taste the same as beef heart and tongue. Heart meat is solid, tough. Tongue is as tender as your mother’s heart and delicious.
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Michigan Lottery officials leave no doubt of their intended audience with their commercials for a game called ‘Jack.? Seniors have always been the advertising targets, casinos are full of them, but Jack ads magnify their goal by featuring close-ups of a great looking, excited gray haired lady yelling, ‘Jack, Jack, Jack!?
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Being a hunter, fisherman and fly and mosquito killer, I’m hardly in agreement with the goals of PETA.
Recently the ‘People for Ethical Treatment of Animals? took President Obama to task for killing a fly while being interviewed on live television.
Just before, the president told us that building crossings over or under our highways for turtles was a worthwhile stimulus project.
Which is it, Mr. President? You can’t have it both ways. Well, maybe a politician can.
PETA wants every living thing to live forever. Do members just let a mosquito suck their life extending blood through the their skin?
Do they just watch the belly-filled mosquito fly away with a, ‘Have a good life, dear friend,? salutation?
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Have you noticed how much more often the word ‘transparency? is being used since that became a promise of this administration?
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I don’t ever read columns full of questions, yet I just wrote one. Just being transparent.

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