The May 5 Tax Proposal is a scam!

I suppose I should suggest you read the May 5 Road tax proposal for yourselves. But, I don’t want to subject you to this insanely complex formula.
How in hell, and why in hell, did the legislature vote to raise taxes on fuel, raise our sales tax, raise the vehicle registration fees while not immediately supplementing the road budgets?
In the first two years of tax increases, a significant portion of the new ‘road? ‘revenues? go to pay down road related debt accumulated by the men and women in Lansing, our legislature.
Prop I is filled with methods to ‘improve? sales tax revenues. Schools and municipalities gain more than they lose, if Proposal I passes.
It’s too kind to call this inhumane proposal understandable. It’s a hoax, it’s a scam, it’s filled with favors for both political parties. It spreads money to cities, schools, and ties fuel taxes to the Consumer Price Index
The problem is there is no Plan B, so if Prop I fails we fall back to the 10 yard line and punt. How is that for a winning strategy? It doesn’t on the gridiron and it won’t work when running Michigan.
Oh, oh! I think Gov. Snyder is there. No one seems to know where else he could be.
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Detroit Free Press headline: ‘Hackers target passwords and shopper loyalty cards.? I have no idea what the hackers are targeting!
I do know this: I have run out of grey matter to even attempt to understand this I-T world.
That’s another reason I have a hundred year old iconic manure spreader in my front yard. My senior friends and I know there is a similarity between that machine and my typewriter.
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Had a short chat with a man who changed his life from working with hospice, to the ministry.
He commented about a couple things. One was people in hospice care, and seniors generally, need humor. He said people will stand out in the hall talking and chuckling, but when they are in the room with the ill they withdraw from talking.
Take some humor into that room. Tell them you finally learned why birds of a feather flock together . . . . . . Together they can soil more than just the windshield.
Or, being young is beautiful, but being old is comfortable.
Or, if your host has a Bible at hand, ask ’em if they are cramming for the finals?
Or, ask ’em what you can bring them something from Toys R Us.

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